"Pet Peeves" at Bridge (Club and Tournaments)
I've been collecting "Pet Peeves" and have found some online and thought you might enjoy this article. At Bridge Winners, Allan Simon noted, "I want to clarify that a pet peeve is something that is objectively harmless but just happens to irritate me." That's probably a good definition. I think our group at BCOH is less guilty than most other places I know about, so -- just sayin'. As we enter the Christmas and party seasons, I hope you enjoy these little tidbits.
Writing It Down. This one got many mentions. Opening leaders who record the contract before making the opening lead. Nearly as bad are the dummies who record the contract before putting dummy on the table. I put this one right up there with fingernails on a blackboard.
Pulling a Card from Your Hand Early. Surely you don't do this. Surely. I've seen veteran players pull a card before it's their turn to play, and it bothers me.
"Chatting" Upon Arriving at New Table. Now, nobody wants to be unfriendly, and sure, sometimes little things come up and you're afraid you'll forget it if you wait till later. But if you are the "Chatty Cathy" type, please try to control that little habit.
Card Snapping. Nobody likes this, and most card snappers don't even realize they're doing it, so somebody needs to remind them. (And a "snap" when it's the setting trick infuriates nearly all of us!)
Fiddling with the bidding box. Don't even get near the bidding box until ready to put your bid on the table. Period. If you hover over it and then pass, unauthorized information is passed on. And I was surprised to find the next "pet peeve" among several players that sort of goes along with this one.
Pulling One Bid Card Out of the Bidding Box at a Time. One commenter wrote: "It takes more time to do and put back together and no, it does not make you look as cool as you think it does." And another said, "Amen to the 'does not make you look as cool as you think.'" Now, I haven't found that it takes any more time to pull out or put the bids back, but it surprised me that this peeved some.
Eating While Playing. At BCOH, when we have a pre-game meal, we try to do the eating at a table that will not be used to play, but that's not always possible. We'll just continue to be mindful of it.
Criticizing Others. This is just bad, bad, bad. If someone asks, that's one thing. But unsolicited condemnation, especially of one's partner, is rude, in bad taste, and should be avoided.
Leaving Trash Behind. Most of us are pretty good about taking our trash to its proper receptacle or otherwise getting rid of it properly. Keep up the good work!
Finally, the Most-Mentioned: Slow play, slow play, slow play, slow play.
One high "A" player made what I felt was the best comment: "I am still working at being the change I want to see in others." I liked that.
Happy New Year, Everybody!