Release 2.19r
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Special Games

This page will contain blurbs about:  Newcomer Games (with link), Mentor Games (with link), Celebration Games, Swiss Teams - 8 is Enough, and other events as appropriate.

Celebration Games

Description of a few regular and special events:

  • Hot Diggity Dog Day
  • Holiday Luncheons
  • Member Appreciation Games with $5 table fees
  • Parties for Life Master, Gold Life Master, etc.
"8 is Enough" Team Game

The monthly "8 is Enough" team game has returned to BCoH. The purpose of the "8 is Enough" format is to create teams of roughly equal strength and experience so that the field is balanced. Here's how it works:

Because this is a single-session event, each team is limited to four players.  Each player contributes a number of "team points" based on his/her masterpoint holding:

  • Strat A players, with over 2500 masterpoints, contribute three (3) team points.
  • Strat B players, with 750-2500 masterpoints, contribute two (2) team points.
  • Strat C players, wtih less than 750 masterpoints, contribute one (1) team point.

No team may have more than eight (8) team points.  Possible team compositions:

  • Two A players and two C players (3 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 8)
  • Four B players (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8)
  • Two B players and two C players (2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 6)
  • Any other combination of players such that the team points are less than or equal to eight (8).