Good luck to everyone playing in the Summer Nationals! |
We wish everyone lots of luck in Providence.
Click here to review the results.
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Stardust Week Returns |
Double points - including 25% GOLD - awarded in all online games April 25 - May 1!
Extra games
- Tuesday, 6:50PM: 499er
- Thursday, 6:30PM: 99er
Congrats to new Life Masters |
March 2 - U174 Board Member Joyce Gore (center) was on hand to present Life Master plaques to Robert Hannasch and Patti Dunnell. Well done, Robert and Patti!
BCoH 499er / NLM Tournament |
Please join us for this Tournament on December 1 - 4, 2022.
The event runs two (2) sessions per day on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, with Swiss Teams on Sunday.
See the BCoH 499er/NLM Tournament Flyer for event times and additional details.
Special Charity Games to Support Ukraine |
The American Contract Bridge League is deeply disturbed by the crisis in Ukraine. The incalculable human suffering is heartbreaking.To assist during this crisis, the ACBL will support special charity games to raise funds for humanitarian aid.
First, all net proceeds from the Hollywood Magic regionally-rated event, March 24-27, will be donated to support humanitarian efforts. Also from March 28-31, every virtual club game will be run as a charity game.
All ACBL proceeds from these charity games will be donated to the United Nations World Food Program, where your donation will be earmarked to go to the Ukrainian people.
ACBL players can join in this effort by donating at this site: (Bridge Base Online has announced a $10,000 donation to this charity, which has a four-star rating from Charity Navigator.)
BCOH Team Wins D16 GNT |
Scott Cantor, Will Shepherd, Brian Dudley and Nathan Yee (pictured here at the BCOH April 499er tournament) won the District 16 (D16) Flight C Grand National Teams qualifiers. They wil represent D16 at the NABC in Providence in July. Well done, gentlemen!
Monday Morning Bridge with Bill Riley |
Click this news item for details about Bill Riley's Monday Morning Lessons.
We Play Friendly! |
Do you remember reading "Highlights for Children" magazine?
If you do, I bet you recall the Goofus and Gallant page, featuring gentle suggestions for good and not-as-good behavior.
While Gallant might say "Thanks for giving our Open game a try!",
Goofus might say "Nah, I'll never try that."
While Gallant might say, "We are glad to see you at our F2F game!",
Goofus might say, "Forget that online stuff. Ugh! I only play REAL bridge."
Let's all try to be less Goofus and more Gallant. Some friendly messages:
Thanks for driving all the way to our club for a F2F game!
We appreciate your giving our online game a try.
We know you have moved out of town, so thanks for supporting our club by playing in our games online.
Thanks for being an Ambassador/ online game sub. You help us be successful!
Your financial support is a big help. Thanks!
Opportunities for lmproving Your Game |