Bracknell Bridge League
Release 2.19q
Participating Clubs and Teams (2024-25 Season)


Bracknell Forest



Loddon Vale
Yateley and Hawley


2018 Survey Analysis

BBL Survey Results

General. A total of 67 took part in the survey: 50 current players and 17 who had either stopped playing or never played in the league. In the current player survey, all three divisions were well represented. Of those who responded, 17 also played in the Pivot. This is an excellent response rate and the Committee thanks all those who took the time and trouble to complete the survey. The detailed results of the survey can be seen at these links:

Current Player Survey


Non-Current Player Survey


A summary of the responses follows below:

Q2 – Number of matches. Overall, some 80% of those who answered this question in both surveys believe the number of matches is about right. In the current member survey, it is clear from the additional comments that two of those who ticked the ‘about right’ option do actually favour a small reduction to about 8 or 10 matches per Division. One comment in the non-current player survey suggests that a number of teams have indicated that they will withdraw from the league if it goes on in the current format.

Q3 – Preferred option for reducing number of matches. If the league were to reduce the number of matches, there is a slight bias in favour of keeping the number of teams the same and only playing one match against each team. To be frank, of the 63 who answered this question in both surveys, the majority (some 38%) have no preference either way.

Q4 – Length of Season. The overwhelming majority response across both surveys suggests that the season length is about right.

Q5 – Time of year for the Season. Again, there is a large majority of players who are content with the current season dates.

Q6 – Preferred venue. Some 50% of those who answered the question across both surveys don’t mind whether the venue is in a private house or a club. Of those who expressed a specific view, the majority prefer to play in a house.

Q7 – Ability to play during the day (provided both teams agree). A clear majority are in favour of daytime matches – subject to the agreement of both teams. There are some concerns from those who work or have other daytime commitments.

Q8 – Acceptable travelling distance for teams. Again, a large majority of those who answered this question in both surveys are content that the current rules are acceptable.

Conclusions. The survey was discussed at the recent BBL Committee Meeting and the AGM. It was clear from the responses that there is no great desire to see changes in the season length or time of year. Similarly, there appears to be no need to change the policy on the venue for matches. A significant number would prefer to have the ability to organise matches during the day, but care must be taken to ensure that those who work or have other daytime commitments are not disadvantaged. A sizeable minority (20%) answered that a reduction in the number of matches would be preferred. However, this rises to 24% when the comments from those who answered ‘about right’ are examined as an additional two respondents favoured a small reduction. What is clear from this is that some 76% of those who responded are happy with the current match schedule of 10 to 12 matches in the season.

Way forward. The Committee, with the endorsement of the AGM, does not propose to make any significant changes in the structure of the League, the playing season or policies regarding where and when matches are to be played, as a result of the survey. Greater freedom will be given to teams who wish to organise their matches during the day – but this must be with the express consent of both teams. It is likely that the number of teams wishing to play in the league will naturally result in a slight reduction in the number of matches to be played in the season and the Committee will review this when the applications from teams wishing to play in the next season have been received.