North opens this 1H
East passes
South - we have taught that you need 10 points to respond with a bid of a new suit at the two level. However, when you have extra cards in a suit with good cards then you can stretch this a little. Here with the Ace of Diamonds which you may need as an entry and KQ10 of clubs it is worth bidding 2C.
West passes
North - Has a choice between bidding 2S or 2NT. My partner on thursday bid 2NT, i think this was because she felt that if we end up in 3NT it was going to be best to play the hand from her side.
East passes
South - You upgraded your hand so stick with it. If partner is showing 15-16 points, we should have enough tricks in Clubs to get us to 9. So bid 3NT
Against 3NT, the lead that was generally chosen was the 4D
North’s need to plan now.
Winners - We have 1 in Spades, 1 in Hearts, 2 in Diamonds and 0 in Clubs = 4 in total.
Where will the other 5 come from? The best chance is in Clubs because between our two hands we have 4 of the top 5, so we can handle anything as bad as a 4-1 split in the opponents club holdings. So our plan will be to force out the AC and then hope to win 5 club tricks
Threats? That Diamond lead means we will lose one of our Diamond stops. Which hand should we win it in? Definitely the North hand because we will need the Ace of Diamonds later as an entry to the South hand.
So trick 1 goes 4D-8-9-K
trick 2 - start on clubs - JC-5-3-6 (best to duck the first time in case North only has 1 club)
trick 3 - 2C-7-10-A
Now North can win anything that West plays and win 4 more clubs tricks to get to 9 in total.
This is what happened on Thursday
Those who bid 3NT made it.
Two Souths stuck to the system and responded 1NT to show 6-9 points (rather than 2C) and played that contract. Upgrading our hand to bid 2C worked this time but sometimes you can end up too high.
The pairs who ended up in Hearts or Spades seem to have Norths who chose to rebid 2S rather than 2NT. This was a tricky decision and is pretty much 50/50 in my opinion.
I hope this analysis helps. No player will get everything right but i just wanted to explain the thinking that went into the decisions that were made. |