Bath Bridge Lessons
Release 2.19q

Welcome  to Bath Bridge Lessons!

We are Stuart Bridge & Tina Cottee, Bath Bridge Club tutors - please contact us if you would like any further information

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Student Feedback

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

Student feedback
Bridge is Fun
Class in Action
Class in Action
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We are Bath Bridge Club Teachers & do a combination of face to face lessons at the Club & online Practice sessions on RealBridge

Our Students are a fantastic friendly group - they obviously enjoy the lessons & have sent us some lovely feedback

"The main reason I started playing bridge was to exercise bits of my brain that have gone into retirement-although some of them seem happier staying there! Anyway have been hugely impressed by the time and effort you both put into the classes and the post session recap e mails. Also enjoy the tea breaks as an opportunity to chat to a group of very interesting people on the course."

"I am a complete newcomer to bridge and as I have a number of friends who play bridge and love it, I thought I would give it a go.  I wasn’t sure if I would like it and have been surprised about how much I do – it’s very addictive!  Our lessons have been twice a week with face to face lessons with Stuart and Tina on a Monday (lead by Stuart who has done a fantastic job with lesson planning and teaching), followed up with an online Real Bridge lesson led by Tina on a Wednesday.  The Real Bridge lesson has really made a massive difference to my learning of the game as we have had the benefit of having an experienced bridge player sitting watching our table and helping and advising us as we are playing."                                                                                                                                                                                                      

"Stuart is a natural teacher with lots of patience (I think it’s in his genes - Bridge!). Stuart is extremely knowledgeable and always uses different ways of getting his point across - demonstrations, slides, questions and play. I am enjoying the challenge of learning a new skill which is both competitive and social. I’m looking forward to putting my newly acquired skills into action at Bath Bridge Club once we have learnt the rules of etiquette!"

"Joining the Monday class I was impressed with Stuart and his clear delivery and easy to follow explanations.

He was fun and had a good rapport with the other teachers, helpers and also the students"

"I came along to lessons to support my friend and to be honest thought that bridge wouldn’t be for me that it was just a game elderly people played. But the way that the game has been taught by Stuart has hooked me from the start. Breaking the game down the way that Stuart has makes it a bit like a jigsaw which starts to piece together and a bigger picture is starting to emerge. The way that the club then supports us with additional mentoring when we play online on Wednesdays is really helpful too. I am such a convert now that I am spreading the word to friends who have never considered bridge and I am really encouraging my teenage daughters to learn too."

"I have really enjoyed the course and especially the 'one to one' help on the Wednesday sessions. Think I am getting hooked and so you have both now set me the new challenge of improving my play. Stuart has been a great bridge teacher who has channelled his own passion for the game into the lessons.

The best recommendation for his teaching that I can offer is that all 16 of our beginners group have completed the course and will be back for more in September."

"The laughter that pierces our intense concentration from time to time on a Monday afternoon is from a group of like-minded people who have gelled very well. This doesn’t necessarily happen naturally, so it’s a tribute to Stuart in the way that he’s managed the group – and working with adults is much harder than working with children! 

"I think you have done a great job with some of the students (me) and blank, confused looks you have had to deal with!! You have put in so much work and effort on our behalf. Thank you both. Looking forward to next term.......🤔"

"I have thoroughly enjoyed the beginner course so far and found yesterday’s end of term session fun but rather daunting score wise! Reflecting on the past 10 weeks, the balance of teaching and playing hands has been perfect for me and your constant willingness to prompt and help when in need has been really useful in learning how to play the cards and bid. Real bridge sessions have been extremely helpful (although personally I prefer to play with physical cards) and the online No Fear Bridge site is an excellent resource to help practice. I realise that it’s now time to play lots of hands and make lots of mistakes. Many thanks once again for your time on Monday and Wednesdays, the additional time you spend planning our sessions and your general enthusiasm for the game of bridge."

"We have become a very mixed ability group, not surprisingly, and that makes it hard to move everyone forward together. However, you are both immensely supportive of each and every one of us and you keep up our enthusiasm and continue to build our confidence. The, “Stuart/Tina,” calls from the tables, your subsequent support, explanations and corrections are much valued (and needed, in my case.) The amount of work that you must put in behind the scenes with emails, crib sheets etc etc is impressive. Stuart’s attention to detail, good organisation before, during and after is appreciated. We’ve more than had value for money from you both, as I’ve said to the friends who are keen to start in September."

"A big thank you to both for all your hard work teaching us this term-I have really enjoyed the sessions both in person and on-line. Having the chance to play and put the theory into practice with guidance from you two and other experienced players is key to learning the game and there has been plenty of that, so please keep that up. Going over things we learnt in the early sessions is also good as it is easy to forget with all the new information coming in. The crib sheet is excellent as an aide memoir. Going over the hands we played (via Stuart’s e mails) is also good for reinforcing learning."

Last updated : 29th Jul 2022 09:07 BST