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Become a member
How to apply for membership

Bath Bridge Club is affiliated to the English Bridge Union (EBU), and when you join Bath BC, EBU membership will be included. If you're already an EBU member, you will retain your existing EBU number.

Our annual subscription runs from Jan-Dec and is currently £15 (£5 for full-time students). As a charity, we can benefit from Gift Aid on this sum if you are an income or Capital Gains tax payer, and we would encourage you to make a Gift Aid Declaration if eligible.

You can apply for membership of the Club in either of two ways:

  • Online. Complete and submit the application form below. Our Membership Secretary will contact you by email.
  • On paper. Follow the link below and print out and complete the combined Application and Gift Aid Declaration form. This can be handed in when you play at the Club.

We look forward to seeing you at our face-to-face and online games.

Online membership application form

Please complete the form below. You will receive an automated reply and will be contacted by our Membership Secretary with further information. Your personal data will be treated in accordance with our data privacy notice (see the Information section).

I hereby apply for membership of Bath Bridge Club and agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Club. I accept the use of my membership data in line with the Club’s Data Privacy Notice.