BR16 - A positional squeeze by Peter Sampson |
BR17 - Leading the way by James Dunlop |
BR18 - Two bites at the cherry by Chris Jones |
BR19 - Bid up, play up by Peter Sampson |
BR20 - Risk vs reward by Peter Van Praag |
BR21 - Lucky miss by Chris Jones |
BR22 - Opening light by Peter Sampson |
BR23 - An unusual score by Peter Sampson |
BR24 - An automatic double squeeze by Peter Sampson |
BR25 - Extra bids and reevaluation by Simon Hill |
BR26 - When not to bid #5 by Peter Sampson |
BR27 - Room for improvement by Chris Jones |
BR28 - Sleight of hand by James Dunlop |
BR29 - Always lead a heart against 3NT by Roger Bendall |
BR30 - Ethics and etiquette by Peter Van Praag |