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County News
Everyone's a winner at the AGM, but the Gwyers come top
Everyone's a winner at the AGM, but the Gwyers come topFollowing a pleasant and relaxed AGM (of which more anon), nine tables settled down to play the annual Chairman's Cup handicap pairs event. This too is a pleasant and relaxed affair: the emphasis is on enjoying the bridge and looking forward to Christine's legendary tea at half time, which was (as always) quite excellent. The winners of the 27-board match were Malmesbury's Richard and Sid Gwyer, whose team has already won the Allcomers League. Congratulations to them. (The full result is available via the WCBA home page.)

We're grateful for the good turnout for the AGM, but are left wondering why, with both free bridge and free tea on offer, more Wiltshire members weren't tempted to miss a boring old football match and come along to this very enjoyable event. It's all over by 7.00, so it doesn't even impinge on your Sunday evening. Make a note in your diary to give it a try next year!
Wiltshire takes bronze in Western League
Wiltshire takes bronze in Western League Wiltshire have finished a creditable 3rd out of 8 in this season's Western League, behind winners Avon and 2nd-placed Cornwall. The Division A team came 6th and the Division B team were in 4th place, while the Division C team came 2nd, narrowly beaten by Cornwall.

Congratulations are due to all who took part, and thanks to organiser Diana King, whom you should contact if you are interested in playing in next year's Western League.
Allcomers League ends on a knife-edge
Allcomers League ends on a knife-edge The first Wilts Allcomers League has been won by Malmesbury BC's Gwyer team (Lesley Bennett, Richard Gwyer, Sid Gwyer, June Stevens, Tom Hanwell, Paul Gregory and Brian O'Donnell). They finished in a dead heat with Bath BC's Portnall team (Jane Portnall, Rita James, Paul Cooper, Christine Moore, Nick Guinness, Rose Rogers and Christine MacFarlane), and came first by virtue of having won their head-to-match. Exciting stuff! Congratulations not only to the winners but to all who took part, and to Emma Jackson for running this very successful new event. Watch this space for news of next year's Allcomers league and other WCBA non-expert events.
Bennett team wins the Knockout
Bennett team wins the Knockout Congratulations to Phil Bennett's team (Phil, Roger Willmott, Vic Holden and Bob McMurray) on winning this season's County Knockout. They defeated the Hodgson team in the final.
Bath & Swindon @ National Pairs Final
Bath & Swindon @ National Pairs Final Pat Davies and Chris Dixon, both members of Bath BC, came 7th out of 50 in the National Pairs final in April of this year. Kathy Hodgson and Keith Williamson, of Swindon BC, took 17th place in the same event. Very well played both pairs.
Latchem team win the Wilts Premier League
Latchem team win the Wilts Premier League Congratulations to Dave Latchem's team (consisting of Dave, Diane Bishop, Philip Howard, Wendy Simpson, Chris Clements, Jenny Gray and substitute Bob Warrender) on winning a hard-fought Premier League. The Blandy and Davies teams came 2nd and 3rd respectively.
Phil Green turns Red!
Phil Green turns Red! Former Chairman of Bath BC Phil Green has completed a two-year period as Trainee National Director, and is now a fully qualified EBU 'red-coat' Director. Many congratulations on this achievement. We look forward to calling for his help at future national events such as the summer Brighton Congress. *stop press* Phil has also just been promoted to Premier Life Master.
trowBRIDGEclub team progress in Gold Cup
trowBRIDGEclub team progress in Gold Cup A trowBRIDGEclub team has reached the last 32 in the national Gold Cup competition. They are Ron King, Dave Latchem, Wendy Simpson and Philip Howard. We wish them all the best for their upcoming 4th round match.