Welcome to the Basingstoke Bridge Club Teaching website
Basingstoke Bridge Club is the largest bridge club in Hampshire and has over 200 members. We have our own premises, 'Maydene' at the corner of Richmond Rd and Sherborne Rd, Basingstoke.
We have been teaching people to play bridge for over 10 years. We offer courses for Beginners and Improvers. We run a Boost your Bridge - Play and Learn session every other Monday evening and Supervised Play sessions every other Wednesday evening.
Please browse our menu on the left which gives you more information on what we offer.
2023/24 students Complete courses |
Our 2023/24 students have completed their courses with many deciding to carry on to the next level.
We are taking a break over the summer for the teaching classes but why not sign up for our new classes in September?
Simply click on Contact us and complete your details then we will contact you to discuss.
A new Beginners Course will be starting on Saturday 21st September
The course will be held at our clubhouse - Maydene, Richmond Rd, Basingstoke, starting at 9.30 am. The Beginners course is generally 3 terms of 10 weeks each. Cost is £60 per term plus £30 for the course 'Red Book'.
Highly engaging lessons allowing you to learn and play. The lessons are customised to meet the needs of the students.
At the end of the course students will become full members of the club and can play in our normal club sessions.
For further details or to book please click on 'Contact us" or email basingstokebridge.teachers@gmail.com
A new Improvers Course will be starting Wednesday 18th September
The course will be held at our clubhouse - Maydene, Richmond Rd, Basingstoke, starting at 9.30 am. The Improvers course is generally 3 terms of 10 weeks each. Cost is £60 per term plus £30 for the course 'Red Book'.
Highly engaging lessons allowing you to learn and play. The lessons are customised to meet the needs of the students.
All students become Associate Members of the club however should a student which to join any of the normal bridge session during the sessions, then we ask that they become Full Members.
For further details or to book please click on 'Contact us" or email basingstokebridge.teachers@gmail.com
Supervised Play Preferences |
The following list contains supervised play topics up to June 2024 which we are considering re-running. Please tick which sessions you feel that you may be interested in attending.
Topics marked * contain random deals, but all with some recommendations on bidding or play, or information on how they were played by experienced players the first time.