Social Lounge Booking Form |
♠ ♥ Booking form for Social Lounge ♦ ♣
This form is for booking a table in the Social Lounge for up to 7 days ahead. Only members can book the social lounge.
A link for the session will be sent in your confirmation email which should be forwarded to other players.
The social lounge is open from Monday to Sunday after which a new link will be created. If any member wants to play more than once in a week and thus would like different hands then please make a note in the comments box when booking and you will be contacted and a different link sent.
The cost of this will be £1 per person.
When booking please ensure that you list the names of everyone taking part so that they can be charged. Any non member participant will either need to become a member to play or a member will need to pay for them. Could you also ensure that the correct date format is used - this saves a manual intervention when uploading to the charging module. Thanks