Application form For Club Membership
Visitors are welcome to play at the club (up to 3 times) then they are invited to become full members. Once you have been proposed and sponsored by 2 club members and would like to join us, please complete the form below. (All fields required marked with a "*" should be completed).
The annual fee for Membership is £20 - details of how to pay will be forwarded to you. The financial year starts 1st October. For those joining the club after 1st June, the first membership fee with be reduced to £10 up to the end of September. Thereafter the next membership fee of £20 will be due on 1st October.
Details on this form will be recorded on the Club Members' database (Bridgewebs). Only your name, email and phone number will be available to other members once they have logged into the member area of the Club website. Your emergency contact name and number will be held in a secure area, only accessed by Directors and key officials. Some details are also entered onto the EBU (English Bridge Union) site to register your membership. Your name and Bridgemate number (used for scoring games) will be on a listing in the club premises. Once your membership is registered on the Club's website and with the EBU you can amend your privacy preferences should you wish to. Please click here to see our Data Protection Policy.
By submitting this application form you agree to the use of your personal details as described above, name and or photos to be published on the club website and you agree to abide by the rules of the Club (full details on the Club Website).
All applications are subject to approval by the Committee.
For any questions or if you require further details please contact the Club Secretary by clicking here.