Xmas Party 2024 |

What a great event!
78 Club members attended the Club Xmas Party held on 19th December at Old Basing Village Hall. What I think made the event was how many people offered to help both before, during and with the clearing up afterwards. There are far too many to name but you know who you are. A special thanks though should go to David Bates and Ken Jones who braved the cold to make sure that we could all park.
For many this was the first time that they had heard the club band and singers and I know that we all enjoyed the music and singalong. I think the band may now have another volunteer. As always there was a huge spread of food and the mince pies went down well. A few photos below.
Club Xmas Party 2023 |
62 people attended the Club Xmas Party on 20th December at the Chute Pavilion, Sherborne St John. What a fabulous night we all had. Great food and great bridge. Thanks to everyone who contributed either with food, bringing tables, helping on the night, taking photos (Sam) or just generally contributing to the fun atmosphere. Huge thanks to Malcolm for organising all of the bridge and who had us all trying to 'fudge' our contracts to attempt to get a score that we needed on our bingo card! It was unfortunate that the band had to pull out at the last minute, but hopefully we can arrange another event next year where we can all get to hear them, the singers, and the dancers.
Fund raising event on 1st June |
£1,451.75 was raised!!
Well the Fund Raising Event at Sherborne St John on Saturday afternoon was a Roaring Success - from the Roaring 20's to 70's music to the singing, the incredible dancing demonstrations and the fun line dancing session for everyone! Over 100 people were treated to an amazing afternoon with Scones, Tea and Sangria (for those that bought a raffle ticket).
Well done to our newly formed Band and Singers - John, Alan, Tim, Caroline, Dayl, Mel, Anona, Chris and Sam who were making their debut for the club - you did us proud. Thank you to Caroline, Sue and their partners for their very 'sensual' Argentine Tango demonstrations
and a big thank you to all involved with the organisation, the making of the scones, the servers, washer uppers and those that helped clear up - far too many to name all - but in particular, Anona, Sam, Barbara, Clive, Bunny and Paul.
Club Weekend Away 2022 |
♠ ♥ Club Weekend Away in Bournemouth ♦ ♣
56 club members and some partners enjoyed a recent weekend of fun bridge at the Connaught Hotel, Bournemouth. It was great to meet up with so many and also enjoy the seaside town and surrounding area!
A full report of the event will be coming in the next newsletter but in the meantime thanks go to
John F, Jean, Stan, Malcolm, John G, Judi, Anne T, Ivor, Sally and Heather
who all had a hand in organising or helping towards the various events.
Club Holiday to Cyprus |
Wonderful, Amazing, Successful, Enjoyable, Brilliant, Loads of Fun - some of the comments after the Bridge Holiday to Cyprus which finished on Weds 9th October. 37 bridge players and 6 partners/spouses made the trip. Thanks go to Thames Valley Travel for taking us all on, Anne Todd for the amazing organisation, Mike Battisson, Richard Bass, Kathy Wilson and Judi Coady for directing, Heather Frazer for sorting out the BriAn App for the scores and last but not least the hotel themselves, Constantinou Bros Athena Beach who were absolutely fantastic and catered for all our needs - and there were many! We all had a fabulous time. Some photos below.
Club Hosts Corn Cairdis 2019 |


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Corn Cairdis - an annual match between teams representing the County, Club, and Officials of the English Bridge Union (EBU) and Contract Bridge Association of Ireland (CBAI). The EBU team were:
Jeremy Dhondy & Andy Hughes; Philip Mason & Peter Stocken.
Club representatives who played over the weekend: Helen & Chris Kinloch, Iain Climie, Andrew & Mary Ferguson, Tracey Adams, Steve Tearle, Richard Ray, Ann Goss.
Basingstoke Bridge Club agreed to host the 2019 Corn Cairdis match for Hampshire.
It was a successful weekend. The actual competition did not begin until Saturday, but the club hosted a social evening on the Friday in which all the Irish attended. Although the Irish took 1st & 2nd place, Richard & Christine Ray were the top club players closely followed by Tracey Adams and Steve Tearle.
There was a really lovely friendly atmosphere throughout the weekend with good food organised by Sam, Stan and Jean. Sam organised the purchasing of the food, Jean and Stan picked it up at M&S, and Jean cooked it and laid it all out.
The Tournament was opened by the Mayor of Basingstoke and a reporter from the Basingstoke Gazette took pictures. The Irish were taken to Milestones museum and had dinner on Saturday evening.
The Irish team prevailed and won back the Trophy this year which was probably fitting as they have lost in the last 2 years but the most important thing about the weekend was the firm friendships established among the competitors.
The name, Corn Cairdis, translates most appropriately as Cup of Friendship.
Our thanks to Helen who single handedly organised the event for the County and the EBU.
Also to Chris Kinloch and Keith Bennet for directing.
Club regains the Teams of 8 Simmons Cup 2019 |
 Our annual match against Newbury (Simmons Cup for Mixed pairs) took place recently. This year we were successful in reclaiming the trophy after it had been in Newbury's possession for the last 2 years!
Well done to our team of Chris & Helen Kinloch, Manny & Fil Navarro, Tracey Adams & Steve Tearle, Mary and Andrew Ferguson, Sandra Ruffell and Keith Bennett,
Viv Morris & George Collins and Ann Goss & Keith Williams and Jane Rutherford and John Fairhurst.
Special thanks to Newbury for again playing the match in such a friendly manner, an enjoyable day for all!
Fun Bridge at the Club 2018 |
This year we again held our party at the Chute Pavilion so we could all mix up together.It was good company, food, drinks and prizes.
Were these the smartest men in town?
Alencon visit 2016 |


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Back in 1982 bridge players were suddenly invited to participate in the annual Basingstoke/Alencon twinning Festival of Sport. Two Alencon players arrived for the weekend to stay with Chris & Helen Kinloch. Since then firm friendships have been made.
Although the other twinning visits have fallen away, the exchange between the Bridge clubs has grown and every year, each club has hosted the Bridge match along with social visits.
This year it was the French hosting the visit and although it normally takes place in May, it was an Autumn weekend this time.
The Basingstoke team, Chris & Helen Kinloch, John & Barbara Glasscock, Andrew & Mary Ferguson, Graham & Liz Bragg, David Walton & Anne James and May Lawn & Danielle Sissingh, arrived in bright sunshine in Alençon to the usual warm welcome from French friends, old and new. There were nine tables for the bridge tournament in the afternoon. Unfortunately none of our pairs came top, so we had to relinquish the Raymond Guérin trophy which we won in Basingstoke last year. However, as usual, the bridge competition was only one small part of the weekend and it was followed by several apperitifs and a delicious meal at the club.
On Sunday we visited Le Perche, an area of natural beauty situated around the town of Belleme in the south-east of the Orne department of southern Normandy. Despite the light rain and mist which continued throughout the day, everyone really enjoyed looking round the picturesque villages and trying to find answers to quiz questions about the area. After lunch at the golf club some brave souls took part in a two hole putting competition, the scores for which were added to our team's quiz totals.
Anne & David were the worthy winners of the Sunday events. Back at the Alençon bridge Club there were more apperitifs and another beautiful meal. We did manage to sing an adaptation of the well known French song "Ma Normandie" as a thank you to our hosts.
Dates are still to be arranged, but we look forward to welcoming our French friends in Basingstoke again next year.
Club Holiday Abroad 2-9 October 2024 |
Following on from the success of our first holiday abroad last year the club are again offering members the opportunity to enjoy some sunshine and bridge, this time in Cyprus.
The hotel will be the Constantinou Bros Athena, 2.5km from Paphos Harbour. Prices will be £1,489 pp sharing or £1,754 for a single. Deposit £100. Balance due 10 July 2024. These prices include return flights, transfers in resort, accommodation on a half board basis, coach to and from Basingstoke and 20 kilos of checked baggage. However prices are subject to change depending upon flight costs.
If you are interested please register on the club website by clicking here. Then you must go and book direct with the travel agent by phoning Kate or Rob at Thames Valley Travel on 0118 9341312. Registering on the website alone does not book you a place on the holiday.