Release 2.19r
Face to Face
Director: Joan
Face to Face
Director: Marj
Online Duplicate
Director: Clare
Online Duplicate
Director: Trevor
Face to Face
Director: Steve
Director: Clare
Mon 2nd Sep 2024
Online Duplicate
Register from 11 start 1pm
Director: Chris
Mon 2nd Sep 2024
Face to Face
7 for 7.15 start
Director: Sharon
Tue 3rd Sep 2024
Face to Face
1:15 for 1.30
Director: Liz
Tue 3rd Sep 2024
Online Duplicate
Register from 5pm, start 7pm
Director: Clare
Thu 5th Sep 2024
Face to Face
7 for 7.15 start
Director: Chris
Fri 6th Sep 2024
Director: NA
Fri 6th Sep 2024
12:30 for a 1pm Start
Director: Chris

Member Login
Email or Name or EBU No :
Password :
Remember Me :
If you are already registered as a member to use the pages, then enter one of
and Password and click [Login].
If you use the same email as someone else at the club, then enter your Name as spelt in the results instead of Email.
If this is the first time that you have used the , click .
If you have forgotten your password, click .