Release 2.19q
Beginner Bridge Lessons

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Wednesdays 9.30am to noon

Six lessons for the absolute beginner
Sept 18  Introduction - let's play
Sept 25  Hand evaluation and NT bids
Oct 2  Opening major suit bids
Oct 9  Responding bids with a fit
Oct 16  Finding a fit
Oct 23  Minor suit bids and responses  

If you would like to take part in these lessons contact Frank Mustoe

Frank is an ACBL accredited teacher and member of the American Bridge Teachers’ Association.



♠  ♣  

Do you play a little bridge? Need a bridge brush up?
Come to our Learning Game every Tuesday morning at 10am.
Relaxed supervised play, need help? ask questions, talk to partner, enjoy some social time. Any questions, just email Maggie





Intermediate Bridge Lessons

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Barrie Bridge Club News

You Can Play Your Hands Again!

Two User Manuals have been created to show you how to re-play your game hands!  They are located in the Blue Menu above, one for replaying REAL game hands and one for replaying VIRTUAL game hands.

At the end of every game (REAL or VIRTUAL), whose results have been uploaded to the Barrie Bridge CLUB Web Site, you have a number of REPLAY THE HAND AGAIN options:

  1. You can re-play any of your REAL game hands with full control over what card is played from each north/south/east/west hand.

You can experiment with different leads or playing strategies to see if you can get an extra trick or put your opponents down.

  1. For on-line VIRTUAL games you have three options.  You can replay the hand any way you choose as described in 1 above.

Or you you can replay the hand exactly, card for card, as you played it in your on-line game or any other pairs hands for that matter to learn from them.

Or, you can replay the hand exactly, card for card, as you (or others) played it in your on-line game, and then deviate at any time during the play and take a different line.

  1. You also have the option to download the game file (REAL or VIRTUAL) and import it to a different Bridge Computer Program that allows you to replay the hands.
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Learning Centre
  Welcome to the Learning Centre

If you have never played bridge before but would like to learn, please consider coming to our Absolute Beginner lessons which we hold every year in the Fall. The first set of six lessons (Bridge for Beginners 1) usually starts in the middle of September and continues into October. A further set of six lessons follows ( Bridge for Beginners 2 ) in November and December. After that we suggest you come to the Tuesday morning Learning Game for fun and practice in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.

Further lesson series (Bridge for Beginners 3 and Intermediate topics) are held at other times of the year depending on the perceived need and availability of the teachers.

If you would like any more details about our lessons, or would like to put your name on a list for notification of beginner lessons, please contact either Maggie Sparrow or Frank Mustoe

  Maggie's Tuesday Learning Game

Learning Bridge Game - Tuesday Mornings 10:00 am - 12:15 pm: held at 18 Alliance Bvld, Unit 3 , Barrie.

We welcome anyone who plays a little bridge and would like to try duplicate. Mini-lesson hand discussed, handout to take home, followed by a short 12 board game.

Teacher on hand to answer questions and offer help.  Relaxed, low key, and fun .... ask for help, change your mind, consult your notes.

Come and improve your game and meet new partners.  Come alone or bring a friend, all welcome.  Contact Maggie Sparrow  705-835-2181 or for more details or just turn up!



Continue to learn bridge with this course, which takes you through the steps of planning the play of the hand as declarer and teaches you more techniques to help you find the best contracts. A follow up course for those who have taken a beginner course, or for anyone who plays a little bridge and would like a refresher. Bid, play and discuss each lesson, with free notes and hand records. This six-week structured course costs $85.00, which includes HST.

Wednesday mornings 9:30 – 12:00

Barrie Bridge Club, 18 Alliance Boulevard, Unit 3


1     Declarer play in notrump: counting winners and watching entries.

2     The Stayman convention: “Partner, do you have a 4-card major?”

3    Counting losers and drawing trump.

4    Promotion in suits and in notrump contracts.

5    Using length in suits and in notrump contracts.

6       Helping partner to the best contract by making a transfer bid.


For more information or to register for this course please contact Frank Mustoe at

Frank is an ACBL accredited teacher and a member of the American Bridge Teachers’ Association.