The Barnstaple Club Committee had a socially distanced meeting on 19 June to agree.
1) The club AGM on 9 July is cancelled, An EGM will be held a month after the club re-opens.
2) The club accounts will be posted to the website as soon as available.
3) All members of the committee will stay in post for the next season.
4) The prize for The Daphne Thorburn will be presented when the club reopens
5) The completion of the League Teams and Singles will be determined when the date for re-opening the club is predictable. If as is possible the club does not re-open until after September 2020 then the 19-20 League and Singles will be completed in the 20-21 season with it being unlikely that other League or Singles will be played in that season.
6) All other competitions in the 19-20 season have been cancelled.
7) As soon as there is a likely re-opening date the committee will publish a provisional programme for the remainder of the 20-21 season.
If any member wishes to comment on the committee's proposal or make any suggestions for next years arrangements please email Linda on lindarafferty1@gmail.com
We would be grateful if members could pass on the information to others they are in contact with.
 Click for details of Bernard Magee DVDs available on loan from Barnstaple and Taw Vale Bridge Clubs.
 Because of the problems arising from slow play at Barnstaple the committee met on Monday 9 Sept to review the timing of the evning playing session. Click to read the new policy.
 Please click here read a Proposal to encourage Friendly Bridge at Barnstaple Club.
Reminders so that all will have an enjoyable evening. |
 Please be seated by 6.55 so a movement can be chosen and play start promptly.
Everyone is responsible for ensuring that the atmosphere at the tables is pleasant and relaxed. Please be particularly understanding of and helpful towards visitors and less experienced players.
If you play a system other than basic Acol or Benji Acol you should have a completed convention card on the table.
North is responsible for checking names on travellers and that correct boards are being played against the right opposition in the correct direction. North and East both make sure that the score is entered correctly.
At end of a round North is responsible for moving the boards. If a table is still in play when other tables move, then dummy should move the completed boards.
At the end of the evening all should make sure that the boards and travellers etc are returned and placed neatly at the front, in boxes where appropriate. Tables should be folded and put at the back of the room.
When you have finished if other tables are in play, please move and talk quietly.
Psyches |
Psychic bids are opening bids or overcalls in short suits or with points well below the minimum expected. The ban on psychic bids at Barnstaple was reluctantly removed at the 2012 AGM. Please, if you have to use them do so only occasionally and with due regards to the nature of your opponents at the time.
Best Behaviour @ Bridge |
 The EBU has adopted Best Behaviour @Bridge in an attempt to make bridge a more enjoyable game, and to encourage bridge players to continue to play in clubs and congresses. We at the Barnstaple Club can only agree that courteous behaviour is an exceptionally important part of that enjoyment and regret that this has not always been appreciated by all of our members. This guide serves as a brief reminder of how to behave at the bridge table.
· Greet others in a friendly manner prior to start of play on each round.
· Be a good “host” or “guest” at the table.
· Make your convention card readily available to your opponents and fill it out completely.
· Make bridge enjoyable for yourself, partner and opponents.
· Give credit when opponents make a good bid or play.
· Take care of your personal grooming.
· Ensure that your mobile phone is turned off.
· Enjoy the company as well as the game.
· Avoid persistent slow play or late arrival at the table.
Remember that it is rude to criticise your partner or opponents in public, to be less than polite at the table, to gloat over good results, to object to a call for the tournament director or to dispute or argue about a director’s ruling.
Annoying behaviour, embarrassing remarks, or any other conduct which might interfere with the enjoyment of the game is specifically prohibited by Law 74A, while Law 91A gives the director the authority to assess disciplinary penalties.
Call the Director if you think you may have been affected by bad behaviour. You will be helping others as well as yourself.
Enjoy your bridge, and please remember it's only a game.
Pay to Play |
 Barnstaple is affiliated to the EBU under its P2P scheme. All club members are automatically EBU members without payment and receive a membership number from the EBU. If members play twelve P2P sessions in total each year at any affiliated club they qualify for the full EBU package including the free magazine and diary.
Master points
Results are submitted after each session with positional points being added to the league results at the last submission. You can check sessions you have played in and masterpoints record by logging on with your EBU number and password at the EBU members area. Sessions played at Barnstaple will normally carry the Barnstaple Club number which is 209269. Click here to go straight to the EBU members area.