Barlaston Bridge Club
Release 2.19r

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  1. TITLE            The name of the club shall be the Barlaston Bridge Club
  2. PURPOSE    The purpose of the club is to play bridge in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere.
  General Rules
  1. COMMITTEE  The Committee will comprise the Officers of the Club and up to five members of the Club. A quorum shall be formed by four Committee members, two of whom shall be officers.
  2. OFFICERS  *   The Officers of the Club will comprise the Chairperson and Honorary Treasurer.
  3. ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS   * All Officers and Committee Members shall be elected to serve for a term of one year by a majority vote taken by Members present at the Annual General Meeting. The retiring Officers and Committee Members may stand for re-election if they so wish.
  4. MEMBERS    Persons wishing to become members of the Club must submit an application in writing.  All proposals will be considered by the Committee and, if approved, the applicant will be considered elected.
  5. HONORARY MEMBERS   The Committee may elect as Honorary Members any person whom they deem worthy of such privilege.  Such Members will be entitled to all the privileges of the Club without payment of an annual subscription.
    1. The Committee has the power to enter into contracts and arrangements for the occupation of premises and otherwise for the benefit and convenience of the Club. 
    2. The Committee is empowered to request the resignation of any Member when they consider this to be in the best interests of the Club.
    3. The Committee shall have the power to appoint Sub-committees and fill interim vacancies for Officers and Committee Members that may occur.
  7. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING  There will be an Annual General Meeting held not later than the end of June each year for :-
    1. election of Officers and Committee Members
    2. * receiving of a report from the Chairperson upon the affairs of the Club
    3. receiving of an Income and Expenditure Account for the previous year
    4. election of an Honorary Auditor
    5. A majority of paid-up Members present will decide all questions submitted.  No proxy and/or postal voting is permitted.
    6. * Notice of such meeting will be advertised not less than 21 days beforehand. Nominations in writing for new Officers and/or Committee members must be received by the Chairperson not less than 14 days before the scheduled date of the meeting; such nominations to be duly proposed and seconded by two paid-up members.
    1. The Club will hold in a Bank Account in the name of the Club, all monies received.  All cheques drawn on the Account shall be signed by any 2 Signatories approved by the Committee.
    2. An Income and Expenditure Account will be made up on the 30th April each year.  This will be submitted, duly audited, to the Annual General meeting.  Copies of the Account will be available at the Annual General Meeting.
  9. CONSTITUTION * No addition to, or alteration of, the Constitution shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose. Notice of any addition to, or alteration of, the Constitution must be forwarded in writing to the Chairperson at least 14 days before the meeting. The Chairperson will send to each Member notice of such proposal at least 7 days before the meeting
  10. EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING  *  An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Committee or upon request from at least 20 members. The request, stating the subject of the required meeting must be made in writing to the Chairperson. Notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting will be sent to each Member at least 7 days prior to the date of the Meeting giving particulars of the subject for discussion. The business of the Meeting will be confined to the subject and voting thereon.
  11. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION   The Annual Subscription to the Club will be decided by the Committee and shall be payable in advance by the 1st May each year.
  12. TABLE FEES   Each person will play a table fee at all sessions.  The Committee will have the power to amend these fees should the need arrive.  Any such change will be announced at a playing session 21 days before it becomes effective.
  13. DISSOLUTION OF THE CLUB   In the event of the dissolution of the Club, all assets will be disposed of as decided by a majority vote of Members present at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose and the proceedings donated to the Methodist Church in Barlaston.

1st May 2012 ( *Revised 21st July 2023)