The Club, in its current format, was formed on the 1st May 2012 from a social bridge club, which had been in existance for a number of years.
The first committee members included Chris Penrice, Aidan Gillan, Dennis Harding, Mike Aynsley, Sheila Lovewell, Margaret Oakley, Mary Sanger-Davies and Jeff Salter. Regrettably a number of these are no longer with us but Chris, Mike, Mary and Jeff are still members of the club.
The club used to meet twice a week; once playing Social Bridge on a Monday and Duplicate Bridge twice a month on a Friday. Over the years the Social Bridge element declined until, in 2017, it was stopped and only the Friday session of Duplicate Bridge continued, the session then being played every week.
Recently the Club has updated its website, using Bridgewebs as a platform, to replace an earlier BT one which had been withdrawn, and this is working well. In addition, for a trial period, the Club has affilated to the EBU to see if the benefits to the club and its members outweigh the potential cost.
The only slightly discouraging news is that, like nearly all bridge clubs, membership has declined over the years. This was exacerbated by the ongoing COVID pandemic which has made recruitment of new members difficult. We hope we will be able to reverse this trend as times goes on.
As at October 2022
Subsequent to this, changes to the Constitution have been made in June and July 2023. The Constitution can be viewed on the website under the heading "Information". Changes to the Committee in recent times can be viewed in the same place. Chris Penrice and Mary Sanger-Davies are no longer Committee members but remain members of the Club. Mike Aynsley and Jeff Slater are no longer members of the Club.
It was decided at an EGM in November 2022 not to continue membership of the EBU.
July 2023