Balsham Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

Club Constitution



(As approved at the Annual General Meeting of 23rd April 2018)

1          The name of the Club is ‘The Balsham Bridge Club”.

2          The Club will normally meet each Monday evening at Balsham Church Institute Hall at 7.15 pm.  Players should be seated by 7.10 pm to enable the Director to organize the movement. Smoking is prohibited in the building.

3          The Club year will run from 1st April until 31st March.

4          (i)        The Officers shall consist of a Chairman, Hon Secretary and Hon Treasurer.  Officers shall be elected for a 3-year period, and their election will take place at the appropriate AGM.  An Hon President may be elected at any AGM at the discretion of the Committee.

  1.        The Committee shall consist of the Officers, the President (if any), the Scorers and the Directors.  The Committee shall, at its discretion, be permitted to co-opt up to two additional members, and shall be permitted to co-opt new members to replace any resignations.

5          There shall be an Hon Auditor appointed at the AGM.

6          Motions to be presented at the AGM by members should be in the hands of the Committee in writing at least two weeks before the AGM.  Any motion presented on the night of the AGM may be referred back to the Committee for discussion.  Motions at the AGM must be passed by at least a two-thirds majority.

7          The annual subscription shall be determined at the AGM.

8          Membership shall be deemed to have lapsed if the payment of the annual subscription is not made within 12 weeks following the AGM.

9          The funds of the Club shall be used in such a manner as the Committee shall, from time to time, decide is in the best interests of the Club.

10        Committee meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Chairman.

11        Visitors will pay a table fee but will only be allowed to play on a regular or semi-regular basis at the discretion of the Committee.  Members shall have priority over visitors should there be a table shortage.

12        Any EBU recognized system should be allowed with the use of convention cards.  All pairs not playing simple ACOL shall use their best efforts to provide convention cards.

13        The Club shall be affiliated to the EBU, whose rules and etiquette shall apply at all times.

14        There shall be a Director each Club night who will adjudicate on a Bridge problem arising during the course of the evening.

15        To be eligible for the President’s Cup pairs must have played at the Club on at lease 15

eligible Club duplicate evenings during the relevant year.

Last updated : 20th Mar 2019 11:14 GMT