Ballater Bridge Club
Minutes of Interim Annual General Meeting
Michael Sheridan Room, Ballater - Tuesday 14 June 2022 - 1.30pm
Present: President Ian Ritchie, Secretary Freda Nimmo, Treasurer Ann Ritchie, committee member Janet Riddler and 11 members
1 Apologies
Julia Chambers, Jennifer and Graham MacMillan
2 Minutes of the AGM on 15 October 2019
Taken as read, proposed by Anne Ritchie seconded by Janet Riddler
3 Matters Arising
Bank account to be opened in Ballater being processed
4 Presidents Report
Ian thanked everyone for attending he commented on the small numbers returning to Face to Face Bridge after the pandemic, and hoped the numbers would increase as we moved towards the winter months. He commented on the change of time we meet, from evening to afternoon and said this might see the numbers increase when members may not be working in their gardens. He thanked Anne for her work at Treasurer and also for putting up with him ! He thanked Freda for her work through the past year and a half, and keeping us up to date with the regulations. He also thanked her for the work she had done in getting us familiar with Bridgemate.
5 Treasurers Report
Anne said she had an updated copy of the accounts if anyone needed to see it, but very little had changed from the previous meeting, due to Pandemic as we had been closed. No one wished to see the accounts.
The only change was the monies which had been collected since commencing Bridge on the 19 April. During the pandemic we had introduced bank transfers to alleviate the handling of money. Seven members had paid their subscriptions plus table money for 10 visits to the Club. This meant their table money was paid to the 28 June. Two members had paid their subscriptions this way.
Anne felt it was not now necessary to continue with this practice and from 5th July, all table money will be paid into the ‘honesty box’ on the afternoon of play. She asked Members to attend with the exact money of £3.00 as there would not be a float available to provide change.
£5.00 subscription fee was due for all Members who had not already paid.
6 Presentation of Prizes – no prizes to present.
7 Proposal by Sonia Wolfe-Murray – Seconded by Isabel Harvey
As per the Constitution, the Committee should consist of 5 Members. Sonia proposed Bill Farren to join the Committee. This was approved.
8 Election of Officers
All Committee Members agreed to continue in their current roles.
9 Secretary’s Update
Freda thanked Derek on behalf of the entire Bridge Club for his generosity in providing the Club with the new scoring equipment, Bridgemate II. This has been enthusiastically welcomed and we look forward to using it for many years to come. There was an eager round of applause in appreciation.
In order to raise awareness, to as many Bridge Players in the area as possible, of the Club continuing to meet Face to Face, and the ability the new equipment provides in allowing us to get the scores immediately, we plan to run a yearly Charitable Event. This year the nominated Charity will be MacMillan Cancer Support. The planned date will be Thursday 29 September. Table money will be £10.00 per person with all funds raised going to the Charity. Ballater Bridge Club will host the event and provide refreshments. More details to follow, and any ideas are welcome.
There was a vote of thanks from Bill Farren.
Meeting closed at 2.00pm