Release 2.19r
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The last day of bridge for 2024 at Bairnsdale Bridge Club will be Saturday 21st December. Bridge will resume on Friday 3rd January, 2025.

Additional Information
Psyche Bidding, System Card

Psychic bid (also psych) is a bid in bridge that grossly misstates the power and/or suit lengths of one's hand. It is used deliberately to deceive the opponents. Normally, the psychic bid is made with a weak hand, overstating its overall strength, the length and strength in a particular suit, or both.  

It is considered unsportsmanlike for stronger players to psych against inexperienced or weak players and Bairnsdale Bridge Club strongly discourages psych bidding at any of their sessions. We would like to remind all players to have their system card available at the table. Please call the director and report any psych bidding.

Seven No Trump

Don't Hold Back! Bid and make 7NT and you and your partner will be rewarded with free entry to the next available bridge session you attend in Bairnsdale.

Number of boards on Fridays

It is up to the director to decide on Fridays which movement and how many boards are played.

When playing a "standard" Mitchell movement the boards played are:

7 tables: 35 boards

8 tables: 32 boards with share and relay

9 tables: 36 boards/9 rounds or 32 boards/8 rounds

10 tables: 30 boards with share and relay

11 tables: 33 boards

extra 1/2 tables are rounded up. e.g.. a 7 1/2 table is set up as a 8 table with a sitout.

To play a different number of boards the movement has to be set up more "non standard", e.g. with a rover or a skip. Directors will have their preferences and we ask you to respect their choice.

System Cards

From July 1st 2019 onwards system cards will be compulsory for all Bairnsdale sessions.

There also will be an adjusted score for misinformation, unless partners have never played before.

David Luckes Reward Program

Bairnsdale Bridge Club is a member of the "Rewards Program" offered by David Lucke's Fresh Food, Bairnsdale.

Pick up a tag at the club and each time you shop at the store, scan it, and reward points will be awarded to the club. 

We receive on average one $20 voucher per month.