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Table money is now £3 for members and £4 for non-members.





Bailey Bridge Club Rules and Regulations


1.       The club shall be called the Bailey Bridge Club, hereafter referred to as “The Club”.

2.       The object of the club shall be to provide for its members facilities for playing contract bridge in accordance with the rules and principles laid down by the EBU.

3.       The club will meet at St Pancras Church Hall, or at alternative premises as decided by the committee

4.       Where appropriate, all members of the club must be members of the host organisation and abide by the rules of the same.

5.       The AGM shall be held before the end of March each year to receive the officers’ reports, for the election of officers of the committee and officials as may be required by this constitution,  and to deal with matters laid out in the agenda only.

6.       The officers of the club shall be the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and five other members to form a committee. A committee member may only serve two years without standing for re-election. A minimum of four committee members must stand down each year in rotation and can offer themselves for re-election.

7.       The business of the club shall be conducted by the committee who shall have entire control thereof, and who shall at their discretion deal with any matter arising in connection with the club and not provided for in these rules. Four members shall form a quorum. The committee may co-opt members to fill any vacancy occurring between AGM or to provide additional help.

8.       Any alteration to these rules must be made at an AGM or extraordinary GM of the club and notice of a proposed alteration must be sent in writing to the Secretary fourteen days before such a meeting, and the alteration to be included in the notice convening the meeting.

9.       An Extraordinary GM of the club may be convened at any time by the committee with three or four members in agreement, or by twelve members of the club, who shall give fourteen days notice in writing to the Secretary of the reason for calling such a special meeting.

10.   Such information regarding Ordinary Meetings etc. will be deemed as given to members by putting such notices on the Club’s notice board, but regarding Extraordinary GMs by posting individually to each member. Letters posted to the last notified address shall be deemed sufficient notice.

11.   The annual subscription to the Club shall be agreed at the AGM, or at an Extraordinary GM. Table money shall be set by the committee.

12.   New Members. Bridge players wishing to join the Bailey Bridge Club may visit the club on three occasions before filling in an application form to be signed by two current members who can recommend their acceptance. The committee will consider the application at their next meeting. The committee’s decision is final.

13.   Members not attending a minimum of four bridge sessions for a period of twelve months shall be deemed to have left the Club. They may re-apply for membership.

14.   Any person shall upon ceasing to be a member of the Club forfeit all rights and claims upon the Club.

15.   A complaint that is upheld from six or more members of the Club about another member’s playing ability, or disposition, would require that member to be played in again, and if not up to standard, would be required to leave the Club and re-apply at a later date. The offending member shall be notified in writing and has the right to address the committee, or may be asked to see the committee regarding complaints and disputes. Following the complaints procedure the committee’s decision is final.

16.   Accounts: The Treasurer is responsible for the control of all Club funds to be held in a Bank or Building Society approved by the committee in accordance with the approved mandate. All cheques must be signed by two of the three members of the committee nominated by the committee

17.   Auditors:   Members will elect a member or members to approve the Annual Accounts produced by the Treasurer for the Annual General Meeting, and are eligible for re-election at that AGM. The auditor shall not be an officer of the Club.

18.   In the event of the closure of the Club, the Treasurer shall invest the balance of the Club’s funds for twelve months to allow the committee time to re-organise. After twelve months have elapsed and the Club is declared closed by the committee, the funds shall be paid to the registered charities within Chichester chosen by the Committee.






1.       During duplicate bridge sessions only systems and conventions covered by the EBU’s General Licence may be used, unless specified in the rules for a special competition.

2.       The committee shall organise a group of EBU directors who may be called to form an appeals committee to hear an appeal by a duplicate player against a director’s ruling, in accordance with Laws 92 and 93. The appeal must be requested within 30 minutes of the end of the session.

3.       The director on duty shall decide the number of tables that can be accommodated. Guests are welcome at all sessions but can only play if there is room at the tables five minutes before the session is due to start.

4.       Members are responsible for their guests.

5.       When the number of players exceeds the capacity, the pairs arriving first shall have preference.

6.       Each member will ensure their name is marked in the register. This will determine the number of tables.

7.       In the evenings, members without partners will approach the director who will allocate them a partner. If someone has agreed to act as standby they will play with the last person on their own or go home in the event of even numbers.

8.       A member whose partner fails to arrive five minutes before the start will have to leave the table unless a new partner is found.

9.       Latecomers may only play at the discretion of the director.



These basic rules and regulations were agreed at an AGM in February 1998; minor corrections and updates have been made in November 2011.

The Club accepts no responsibility whatever for the property and belongings of any member or visitor whilst on the premises used by the Club.

The Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and members of the committee shall not be responsible, either individually or jointly, for any liabilities incurred by the Club. All members shall be equally responsible for any liabilities incurred during their time of membership.