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 2024 June Averages 

Wendy Gee Cup.....Diane & Ann

 Founders Cup...Gloria & Anne

Aylsham Cup.... Pat & Diane


Everyone Welcome.


It was to good to see Diana at the Hol;iday Inn. How thoughtful of Mary to bring her along to our 'Away Days.'


Do you know where Val and Keith are? I wonder if they played Bridge or just held good hands!


Doing Dummy Proud

The Duties of a Dedicated Dummy by NIgel Block.

"Most players believe that being Dummy is rather boring and try to avoid the role as the main duty is to place played cards in the direction of NS or EW depending on who won the trick. However the number of rights and constraints thrust upon you may surprise you. Here are just some of them.

As Dummy you can:

1. Warn any of the players that a quitted card is in the wrong direction, but only if you spot the lapse before the next trick is started.

2. Attempt to prevent Declarer leading from the wrong hand by saying something like, ‘I think you are in Dummy’. However you must not point out the error once a card has been played.

3. Try to prevent a Defender from leading out of turn. Even so you must remain silent once the card has been played.

4. Attempt to warn Declarer of a possible revoke by for example asking, ‘No more spades, partner?’

But what about the limitations placed on Dummy?  Once again here are just a few of them.  During the play of the hand, as Dummy you are not allowed to:

5. Comment on any irregularity committed by any player.

6. Study an opponent’s system card.

7. Say how many tricks have been won or lost.

8. Call the TD on your own initiative.

9. Hover over a card or suit in dummy in anticipation of declarer’s next play.

At the end of the play of the hand as Dummy you may:

10. Draw attention to a perceived irregularity.

Condition 6 is often broken at club level. The danger here is that you may unintentionally be giving unauthorised information (UI) to your partner.

Condition 9 is quite important.  At one time or another, I suspect most of us have committed this offence in an attempt to save time. However it is prohibited under the laws. The TD can award an adjusted score if he/she believes that Dummy was indicating a possible line of play to Declarer.

Technically a procedural penalty against your side is a possibility for disregarding any of the rules, but in club competition the TD would probably just point out your error and take no further action. 

Note: The list above is not exhaustive; full details can be found in Sections 42-43 of the 2017 laws."

Club Competitions

From JANUARY 2022 the 'Monthly Averages' will be calculated from the events played in that Calendar month ......(The best 3/3  or 4/4 played by a pair)....The trophies will be presented at the end of each month as below.........Pairs cannot win a trophy more than three consecutive times - it will then go to the next pair as decided by the web manager.......This is to make sure the trophies move around the players!...........At the moment it seems to be doing just that!!.........All trophies are awarded at the discretion of Web Manager.

Wendy Gee Trophy....Always to the .Pair with the highest percentage. (Top)

Founders Cup......Second Pair or the Pair with the percentage closest to 50% or most improved pair. (or Middle Position if fairer) at the the discretion of the Web Manager.

Aylsham Cup.....Third Pair or an  improved pair or a percentage closer to 40% plus.......again at the the discretion of the Web Manager.


Feb.......Wendy Gee Trophy - Val & Keith (67.81%) ........Founders Cup - Joy & Wendy (51.00%)  Aylsham Cup - Bill & Sue (40.03%)

March..Wendy Gee Trophy - Diane & Ann (58.39%) ......Founders Cup - Kenny & Gill (50.48%) Aylsham Cup - Tony & Malcolm (46.33%)

April.....Wendy Gee Trophy - .Ann & Jeff (59.60%) ..............Founders Cup - June & John (50.12%)  Aylsham Cup - Judith & Thelma (45.07%)

7May.....Wendy Gee Trophy - .Diane & Ann (61.21%) ........Founders Cup - Pat & Dorothy (50.17%)..........Aylsham Cup - Lorna & Margaret (42.55%)

June......Wendy Gee Trophy - .Pete & Tony (67.82%) ..........Founders Cup - Thelma & Judith (51.55%) .....Aylsham Cup - Danielle & Julia (40.28%)

July.....Wendy Gee Trophy - .Stephen & David (70.58%) ...Founders Cup - Bill & Sue (50.52%).................Aylsham Cup - Dee & Mike (41.00%)

Aug......Wendy Gee Trophy - .Pat & Dorothy (65.53%)  .......Founders Cup - Anne & Felicity(50.58%) .........Aylsham Cup - Peter B & Joy C (45.69%)

Sept.....Wendy Gee Trophy - .Dennis & David (61.91%)    Founders Cup -  Diane & Ann (50.21%)..............Aylsham Cup - Sue & Yvonne (40.01%)

Oct......Wendy Gee Trophy - .Pat & Dorothy (63.71%).......Founders Cup -  Kenny & Gill (50.16%) ...........Aylsham Cup - Bill & Sue (48.65%)

Nov......Wendy Gee Trophy = Tony & Pete (67.07%) ........Founders Cup - Kay & Wendy (50.29%) ........... Aylsham Cup - Ann & Mandy (41.36%)



Jan....Wendy Gee Trophy.......Pat & Dorothy ( 60.24%}..........Founders Cup....George & Irene (50.51%)........Aylsham Cup....Bill & Sue (42.49%)

Feb...Wendy Gee Trophy......Alan & Tony (62.72%)..............Founders Cup...Ann & Felicity (50.52%)..........Aylsham Cup...Jill & Marion (41.61%)

MARCH 2019 AMMENDED TO ......Wendy Gee top score...... Founders Cup closest to 55%+......Aylsham Cup Closest to 50%+.....Always at Web Manager's discretion.

Mar...Wendy Gee Trophy.......Nigel & Stephen (64.25%).......Founders Cup........Kay & Wendy (55.03%).............Aylsham Cup.........Bill & Sue (50.07%)

Apr...Wendy Gee Trophy........Diane & Ann (62.17%).............Founders Cup.......June & John (55.30%).................Aylsham Cup.....Ann & Mandy (50.22%)

May...Wendy Gee Trophy.......Pat & Dorothy (63.88%)...........Founders Cup........Keith & Val (55.26%).................Aylsham Cup......Kenny & Gill (50.23%)

.Jun....Wendy Gee Trophy......Roma & David (68.39%)...,.......Founders Cup.......Alan & Tony (55.06%)...............Aylsham Cup.....Sharon & Stephen.(51.26%)

Jul....Wendy Gee Trophy........David & Dennis(61.83%)..........Founders Cup......(John & June (56.34%)...............Aylsham Cup......Margaret & Lorna (50.18%)                                                                               .

Aug...Wendy Gee Trophy........Nigel & Stephen (64.36%)..........Founders Cup......(Pat & Dorothy (57.08%).............Aylsham Cup......Joy & Peter B (51.17%)

Sep...Wendy Gee Trophy.......Pat & Dorothy (64%)..................Founders Cup.......Kay & Wendy (55.07%).............Aylsham Cup.....Kenny & Gill (50.09%)

Oct..Wendy Gee Trophy.........Roma & Alex (59.49%)............Founders Cup....Ann & Diane (55.97%)................Aylsham Cup.....Lorna & Diana (50.50%)..............

Nov .Wendy Gee Trophy......Diane & Ann (60.66%)      Founders Cup....Anne Van Ree & Kieth Dickens  (55.41%)........Aylsham Cup....Ann & Michael Wallis   (50.16%)

Dec   Wendy Gee Trophy  John & Maureen (63.66%)      Founders Cup    Keith & Val  (56.18%)        Aylsham Cup     Kay H & Roy (50.01%)



Feb  Wendy Gee Trophy   Ann & Keith (61.11%)     Founders Cup    Tony & Pete (56.05%)    Aysham Cup    Ruth & Lynn (49.38%)  in Trolly?#

March, April. May, June, July .Aug. Sept. Oct., Nov. Dec. 2021 Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept  ............................CLOSED DUE TO CORONA VIRUS 




2021 Oct  Wendy Gee Cup - Anne & Pete........ Founders Cup -  Jill & Marion...........Aylsham Cup -  Jeanette & Christine

2021Nov  Wendy Gee Cup -  Ann & Dorothy..........Founders Cup -  Lorna & Sue...........Aylsham Cup -  Yvomme & Kay


2022  Jan     Wendy Gee Trophy Tony & Pete.......Founders Cup -  Diane & Patricia............Aylsham Cup - David Sayer & Dianne Prewer 

2022 Feb     Wendy Gee Trophy......Stephen & Nigel   Founders Cup..........Patricia & Diana      Aylsham Cup.......Yvonne & Kay

2022 Mar     Wendy Gee Trophy........Tony & Pete     .Founders Cup..........Bill & Sue     Aylsham Cup...............Jeanette & Christine

2022 Apr      Wendy Gee Trophy....Anne & Keith       .Founders Cup...........Patricia & Diana        Aylsham Cup.......Bill & Sue

2022 May    Wendy Gee Trophy......Diane & Ann        Founders Cup.......Roma & Alex         Aylsham Cup.......Lorna & Jean

2022 Jun    Wendy Gee Trophy.........--David S & Dianna P       Founders Cup.......Yvonne & Kay      Aylsham Cup........Patricia & Diana

2022 JuL    Wendy Gee Trophy........Roma & Alex        Founders Cup.........Anne & Keith         Aylsham Cup...............Michael & Malcolm

2022 Aug   Wendy Gee Trophy......Roma and Alex        .Founders Cup.......Wendy and Jane       Aylsham Cup.............James and Pat..

2022 Sept   Wendy Gee Trophy.........Ann & Di      Founders Cup..............Anne & Keith         Aylsham Cup.............Bill & Sue..

2022 Oct   Wendy Gee Trophy.......Steohen & Nigel.    .Founders Cup.............Pete and Tony      .Aylsham Cup..............Jill ansd Marion

2022 Nov   Wendy Gee Trophy........Tony & Pete           Founders Cup.............Sue & Anne         .Aylsham Cup................Wendy and Jane

2022Dec    Wendy Gee Trophy........Roma & Alex         Founders Cup..............Jill and Marion        Aylsham Cup...............Wendy and Jane    

2023 Jan    Wendy Gee Trophy........Roma and Kieth       .Founders Cup........Ann VR and Gloria          .Aylsham Cup..........Patricia and Diana G

2023 Feb   Wendy Gee Trophy........Tony & Pete     .Founders Cup.............Pat & Diana       Aylsham Cup...............Sue & Bill

2023 Mar   Wendy Gee Trophy........Roma & Alex       Founders Cup.............. Tony & Pete          Aylsham Cup...............Vicky & Peter

2023 Apr   Wendy Gee Trophy........Gerard & Keith       Founders Cup..............Bill & Sue         Aylsham Cup...............Pat & Diana

2023 May   Wendy Gee Trophy.......Vicky & Peter       Founders Cup.............. Jill & Marian          Aylsham Cup..............Pat & Jim

2023 June   Wendy Gee Trophy........Roma & Alex       Founders Cup.............. Martin & Diana          Aylsham Cup..............Gill & Rosemary

2023 July    Wendy Gee Trophy......Pat & Diana       Founders Cup............. Anne & Michael        Aylsham Cup........Tony & Pete

2023 Aug    Wendy Gee Trophy......Roma & Alex       Founders Cup.............Kay & Yvonne        Aylsham Cup........Anne & Malcolm

2023 Sep    Wendy Gee Trophy.....Anne & Gloria      Founders Cup............. Gill & Rosemary        Aylsham Cup........Pat & Diana

2023 Oct    Wendy Gee Trophy......Gerard & Keith      Founders Cup.............Sue & Anne      Aylsham Cup.......Di & Ann

2023 Nov  Wendy Gee Trophy......Rosemary & Gill      Founders Cup............. Jeanette & Christine        Aylsham Cup.......Yvonne & Kay


2024 Jan    Wendy Gee Trophy......Gerard & Keith      Founders Cup............. Anne & Gloria          Aylsham Cup........Tony & Pete

2024 Feb   Wendy Gee Trophy......      Founders Cup...........         Aylsham Cup........

2024 Mar    Wendy Gee Trophy......      Founders Cup.............        Aylsham Cup........

2024 Apr   Wendy Gee Trophy......     Founders Cup.............         Aylsham Cup........

2024 May    Wendy Gee Trophy......      Founders Cup.............         Aylsham Cup.......

Last updated : 11th Feb 2024 10:51 GMT

Played on the third Monday of each month. The best six results determine the winners. Presented annually at the Christmas Party.........There are four trophies from 2021 as we now no longer play on Fridays ......(Winners -  Large Plate) ..... (Runners-up - Large Cup)....... (Third Small Plate).....( Fourth Small Plate)         

(Any Pair can only win one trophy from the Championship Pairs or the Bridgewebs Annual Pairs Competition each year)


December 2007         Winners............... Tony Collins & Vernon Shaw

                         Runners - Up...........Jill Abbott & Hazel Carney         

December 2008         Winners ...............Tony Collins & Vernon Shaw

                         Runners - Up............Kate Birch & Dorothy Thorn

December 2009          Winners...............Tony Collins & Vernon Shaw

                         Runners - Up.........Diana Grellier & Garry Lindley

December 2010           Winners..............Mary & Michael Duncan

                         Runners - Up..........Geoff Cole & Steve Rogers

December 2011       Winners............Dennis Ellis & David Melville

                       Runners - Up.........Diane Battye & Ann Melville

December 2012       Winners..........Tony Collins & Pete Wood

                         Runners - Up.........Thelma Quantrell & Diana Hill

December 2013     Winners..........Tony Collins & Pete Wood

                       Runners - Up..........Shelia Ward & Vivienne Rush

December 2014    Winners...............David Smith & Dennis Ellis

                     Runners - Up..........Tony Collins & Pete Wood

December 2015    Winners...David Smith & Dennis Ellis

                                    Runners - Up ..Shelia Ward & Vivienne Rush 

December 2016    Winners...Shelia Ward & Vivienne Rush 

                           Runners - Up ..Tony Collins & Pete Wood

December 2017    Winners...Wendy Gee & Dorothy Thorn

                             Runners - Up......Daniella Schiller & Julia Brown

December 2018     Winners.....Tony Collins & Pete Wood

                     Runners - Up..........Anne & Michael Wallis

December 2019     Winners.....Anne & Michael Wallis

                     Runners - Up..........John Love & Maureen Gittins'



December 2020     Winners.....

                     Runners - Up.........

WE RECOMMENCED BRIDGE ON MONDAY 4th OCTOBER 2021 but remain closed on Fridays.


December 2021     Winners.....Pete & Anne   (Large Plate)

                     Runners - Up.........Tony & Pete  (Large Cup)

                                    Third...........Jeanette & Christine  (Small Plate)

                                    Fourth.............Anna & Bob  (Small Plate)


(Any Pair can only win one trophy from the Championship Pairs or the Bridgewebs Annual Pairs Competition each year)


December 2022      Winners.....      Jill and Marion (Large Plate)       Could not take so with Stephen and Nigel.

                     Runners - Up......Ann and Keith  (Large Cup)

                                    Third...........    Tony and Pete  (Small Plate) DISCONTINUED

                                    Fourth............. Bill and Sue  (Small Plate) DISCONTINUED


December 2023      Winners.....      Gerard & Keith (Large N/W Plate) 63.20%      

                     Runners - Up......  Ann & Gloria (Large Cup) 62.06%



December 2024      Winners..........(Large Plate).      .

                     Runners - Up.....  (Large Cup)



December 2025      Winners.....      (Large Plate)       

                     Runners - Up......  (Large Cup)



Last updated : 11th Feb 2024 11:24 GMT

 "Aylsham Bridge Club" closed in May 2017 after over thirty years. They kindly donated some of their trophies to be used in our group, ('The Committee Cup', 'The Ralph Bozeat Cup' and 'The Ruth Agutter Cup' and 'The Challenge Plate'.)  These will be presented annually, from January 2018, to the top three pairs according to the Annual "Bridgewebs Pairs Competition" or (the most improved pairs) at the discretion of the group leader. (Pairs must have played together ten times during the year.)  The old "Aylsham Bridge Club Challenge Plate" will go to the 'EBU Master Point Club Champion' which is published by the EBU in February of each year for the previous year........

 (Any Pair can only hold one trophy from the Championship Pairs or the Bridgewebs Annual Pairs Competition each year)


Jan - Dec 2017    Winning Pair (60% +)..... Committee Cup.............Ann & David Melville (64.21%)

                           Closest Pair + to 50%  Ralph Bozeat Cup.........Anne & Michael Wallis (50%)

                           Closest Pair+ to 40%  .Ruth Agutter Cup.........Christine & Colin Kerr (41.46%)

                          EBU Master Point Club Champion 2017......Challenge Plate...........Ann Melville (1408 MP's)


Jan - Dec 2018     Winning Pair (60%+)....... Committee Cup.............Tony Collins & Pete Wood (60.34%)

                             Closes Pair + to  50%..... Ralph Bozeat Cup.........Alan Thorn & Jeanette Humphrys (50.36%)

                            Closest Pair + to 40%..... Ruth Agutter Cup............Bill Craddock & Sue Craddock (42.54%)


 Jan- Dec 2018       EBU Master Point Club Champion 2018......Challenge Plate....Stephen Cockbill (1278 MP's)


CUPS AMMENDED IN 2019 TO (60% (Top)....55% plus (Middle) and 50% plus........... as players have all improved and there are very few at the lower end,


Jan - Dec 2019    Winning Pair (60%+)....... Committee Cup...........Ann Melville & Stephen..Cockbill (62.17%)

                            Closes Pair + to  55%..... Ralph Bozeat Cup.........John Love & Maureen Gittings (55.18%)

                            Closest Pair + to 50%..... Ruth Agutter Cup............Shelia Ward & Vivienne Rush (50.33%)

                           EBU Master Point Club Champion 2019......Challenge Plate..........Ann Melville (1384 MP's).


Jan - Sept 2021    ............. CLOSED FOR COVID


Oct - Dec 2021    Winning Pair  ...... Committee Cup.............Ann & Pete Hardy 

                            Closest to 55%+  ... Ralph Bozeat Cup........Nigel & Stephen

                            Closest to 50%+..... Ruth Agutter Cup............Jill & Marion


 Oct-Dec 2021    EBU Master Point Club Champion 2021.........Challenge Plate...........Pete Woods ( COVID YEAR)


 (Any Pair can only hold one trophy from the Championship Pairs or the Bridgewebs Annual Pairs Competition each year. Championship Pairs takes priority)


Jan - Dec 2022    Winning Pair ....... Committee Cup.............Alex and Roma

                            Second Pair..... Ralph Bozeat Cup.........Nigel and Stephen

                           Third Pair.... Ruth Agutter Cup............Anne and Sue


Jan - Dec 2022 ........... EBU Master Point Club Champion 2022......Challenge Plate...........   STEPHEN COCKBILL (458MP's).........(Resuts from EBU in mid February2023)


Jan - Dec 2023     

                             Committee Cup............Alex & Roma               57.43%

                             Ralph Bozeat Cup........Pete & Tony                 54.46%

                             Ruth Agutter Cup............Nigel & Stephen        53.21%


Jan - Dec 2023     EBU Master Point Club Champion 2023......Challenge Plate...........RESULS NOT YET AVAILABLE FROM EBU


Jan- Dec 2024    Winning Pair ...... Committee Cup.............

                           Second Pair..... Ralph Bozeat Cup.........

                         Third Pair..... Ruth Agutter Cup............


 Jan - Dec 2024    EBU Master Point Club Champion 2024......Challenge Plate...........


Jan- Dec 2025    Winning Pair...... Committee Cup.............

                          Second Pair.... Ralph Bozeat Cup.........

                          Third Pair..... Ruth Agutter Cup............


Jan - Dec 2025     EBU Master Point Club Champion 2025......Challenge Plate...........


Jan- Dec 2026    Winning Pair ...... Committee Cup.............

                          Second Pair..... Ralph Bozeat Cup.........

                        Third Pair..... Ruth Agutter Cup............


Jan - Dec 2026     EBU Master Point Club Champion 2026......Challenge Plate...........





Last updated : 11th Feb 2024 11:42 GMT

The Rifke Trophy was originally presented annually at the  Chicago Christmas Party but is now presented at the quaterly Holiday Inn Luncheons to the winning pair or any pair who have shown recent improvement. From 2011 at the Christmas Party.

December 2004     Roger Williams & Lorna Parslow

December 2005     Vivienne Rush & Tony Collins

December 2006     Ann & David Melville

December 2007     Diane Battye & Pamela Whitehead

December 2008    Sally Slee & Gillian Stenson

December 2009    Joy & Geoff Cole

December 2010    Daphne Mitchelle & Jane Alston

December 2011    Marion Slack & Jackie Wheatly

March 2012          Pat Cottam & Wendy Turner.

June 2012           June & Peter Hummel

Sept 2012           Sharon Hickey & Yvonne Knott

Dec  2012           Tony Collins & Pete Wood

March 2013        Joy Cole & Dennis Ellis

June 2013          Diana Grellier & Garry Lindley

Sept 2013          Freddie Abbs & Patrick Fuller

Dec  2013           Pat Cottam & Lorna Clifford

March 2014      Tony Collins & Pete Wood

June 2014       Tony Collins & Pete Wood

Sept 2014        Wendy Gee & Christine Sadd

Dec 2014        Judith Brown & Thelma Quantrell

March 2015        NOT PRESENTED


June 2015       Sue Perry & Jeanette Humphrys

Sept 2015        Daphne Mitchell & Mags Neill

Dec 2015          Ann & Jeff Riley

Mar 2016          Margaret Robey & Bob Ovendon

June 2016        Jo Bracey & Peggy Duckworth

Sept 2016        Wendy Gee & Dorothy Thorn

Dec 2016         Eve Holmes & Dorda O'Hanlon

NOW PRESENTED TO THE OVERALL WINNING PAIR - MEMBERS  ONLY (You have all improved so much it is difficult to choose the MIP!)

Mar 2017        Jill Abbott & Hazel Carney - (N/S Overall Winners 66.39%)

June 2017     Jill Abbott & Hazel Carney - (N/S Overall Winners 63.26%)

Sept 2017     Valerie & Keith Douglass - (E/W Overall Winners 63.17%)

Dec 2017   Vivienne & Sheila - ( N/S Overall Winners 61.27%)

April 2018    Stephen Cockbill & Stephen Whittleton - (N/S Overall Winners 72.2%)

Aug 2018  Stephen Cockbill & Nigel Bates (Overall Winners 67.16%)

Dec 2018 Alex Cooper & Roma Lawrence (Overall Winners 58.45%)

FROM 2019  RIFKE CUP TO THE HIGHEST PERECENTAGE AT THE CHRISTMAS LUNCH (Luncheon Trophy Winners in the other direction)

Dec 2019 Stephen Cockbill & Nigel Bates (Overall Winners 64.32%)       CUP WITH STEPHEN


Dec 2021 (Non Christmas Party at Youngs Park!)......Stephen & David (N/S Overall winners) .......Jeanette & Christine winners E/W (Luncheon Trophy)      TROPHY RETURNED


DECEMBER  2023 LUNCHEON PARTY AT HOLIDAY INN NORWICH DISCONTINUED FOR PRESENT. This event ran for nineteen years (March, June, September and December) It was a very popular event with twenty plus tables and an excellent lunch.

Last updated : 12th Feb 2024 15:55 GMT

Originally presented in August to the winning lady and gentleman in a golf tournament held at the Coventry Hilton Bridge Weekend (members & their partners only).......More recently held at Mundesley Golf Club in March and  September.

August 2008        Winners.............Vivienne Rush & Paddy Ward

March 2009     Winners.............Vivienne Rush & Derek Rush

August 2009     Winners..............Jill Abbott & Richard Ong

March 2010       Winners.............Vivienne Rush & Tony Collins

Sept 2010        Winners...............June Katnic & Bob Ovenden

March 2011      Winners............Vivienne Rush & Pete Woods

Sept 2011        Winners.............Pat Reynolds & Derek Rush

March 2012       Winners..........Wendy Turner & Pete Woods

October 2013     Winners..........Sue Arnold & Derek Rush

Sept 2015        Winners.......Maureen McCrae & Bill Craddock

Nov 2016         Winners......Jill Abbott & Pete Woods







Last updated : 15th Dec 2018 14:16 GMT