~What is it? ~~Partner opens the bidding and you have 4-card support for partner’s suit. This is a secondary method of deciding what level to support to. ~~Simple explanation. Losers are missing Aces, Kings and Queens. ~~♠ A 10 7 missing K and Q ♥ K J 9 8 missing A and Q ♦ 3 2 missing A and K (don't count the Q as there are only 2 cards in the suit) ♣ Q J 2 missing A and K ~~= 8 losers, add 7 for partners hand =15 Take 15 from 18 =3 so you could bid 3♥ ~~Playing Acol, with 11 points this hand is worth a limit raise to 3♥ (10-12 points), the LTC confirms this. Some hands are not as clear cut as this and LTC is a very useful extra guide. ~~Basic principal, partner has opened a suit at the one-level with 7-losers.~~1. Count your losers~~2. Add to your partners losers~~3. Subtract from 18~~To read more visit Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia Click here~ |