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East is declarer in 3NT and South on-lead produces the ♠2. If East had not bid hearts you might consider leading away from the K/J♥. You need nine tricks for your contract and you have two spades, one heart, two diamonds and one club leaving you three tricks short. Diamonds are your best source of tricks. The problem on this hand is lack of entries to dummy. if you cash A/K♦ and lose the third round you will not be able to enter dummy to cash the last three diamonds. The answer is lose the first diamond trick and now as long as the diamonds break 2-3 you will be able to run the last five diamond tricks.
Quick question, without looking, how many spades does South hold?
Leads. We try to avoid leading away from Kings (and Aces) whenever possible. This avoids giving declarer a cheap trick whenever he holds the Queen. But there are two styles of leading, 1) passive when we have time to wait for our tricks and 2) aggressive when we need to force tricks our before declarer has time to cash his.
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South lead the s 2, 4th best, there are no cards lower than the 2 ergo he must have a 4-card suit. |