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Minutes of Executive Meetings
Aurora Bridge Club Annual General Meeting - June 9, 2017

Aurora Bridge Club Annual General Meeting - June 9, 2017

11:05  Anna Kennedy called the meeting to order.

Anna made her opening remarks, commenting on her first year as president of the club.  She stated that she was very impressed with all the volunteers and directors who participate in the functioning of the club.  She thanked them for their service and help and presented them with thank you cards.

Sally Carter thanked Anna for her hard work for the bridge club, and her strength in leading the club through a difficult year.

Treasurer's Report:

Doug Gordon presented this report on the overhead projector, explaining that the club's fiscal year ends in May.  He reported that the club is in good financial shape.  Table fees for the year just completed were up 6-7%.  Membership was up 28%.  Investments have not been touched and there is a reserve cash fund in the bank.

Club Manager's Report:

Nancy Louwman explained her role as liaison with ACBL and her organization of sanctioned and special games.  During the year Nancy organized several special games - Senior Pairs, Erin Berry rookie-master , and Jane Johnson Appreciation games were all successfully held.  In October there will be an Instant Matchpoint game for which one gold point will be awarded for the winning pair in each direction. Nancy suggested that more games for new players were needed and that the Sunday games would start up again in the fall.  She also is responsible for supplies for the club.

Anna Kennedy took this opportunity to thank Nancy for her hard work.  Nancy was presented with a bottle of wine.  Anna also thanked Nan McLean for her many years as club secretary and all the things, such as the introduction of the bridgemates, publishing the club directory and providing computer services, that she has done for the club over the years.

Nomination of Executive:

As past past president Olly Smolak reported that the list of candidates for executive positions had been posted 6 weeks ago as required by the club constitution.

Slate of candidates: President Anna Kennedy

                                    Vice president John Jarman

                                    Treasurer Doug Gordon

                                    Secretary Gayle Connor

Nominations were opened to the floor.  Having no new candidates presented, Jo Cummings moved that  the slate of candidates be accepted as is.  Peter Blakemore seconded this motion and the slate of candidates was passed.

The Club's Move:

Olly Smolak gave his report on the town council's decision to tear down the building where the bridge club currently resides. He has been told that there is no Town of Aurora property available for the bridge club.  On Monday June 12, 2017 a report will go to council which includes the status of our building.  This report will likely not include any provision for the bridge club.  On June 20 the town council will discuss the recommendations in this report.

It was suggested that a committee be struck to develop a strategy for this public meeting, so that the bridge club will have a voice at the council meeting.  There was discussion of possible ideas about how to approach the town.  Request was made that if anybody knew of any possible sites for the club, they should be brought forward.  Try to be proactive not reactive about this move.

Doug Gordon surveyed those in attendance to see if charging $7.00 table fees would be agreeable, so that we would have more revenue for rent of a new place.  This increase was agreeable to those present.


Anna Kennedy thanked the volunteers who had made sandwiches and helped prepare the lovely lunch we would have after the meeting.  She also thanked Cobbs Bread for donating the bread for the sandwiches.

Adjournment was 11:55

Executive Meeting - Friday, June 2, 2017

Executive Meeting - Friday, June 2, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. by Anna Kennedy.

Those in attendance - Anna Kennedy, John Jarman, Doug Gordon, Carol Gordon, Lynn Gowan, Lynn Schmidt, Nancy Louwman, Olly Smolak, Gayle Connor

Minutes of last meeting adopted as is - moved by Lynn Gowan and seconded by John Jarman

Purpose of this meeting is to define the agenda for the Annual General Meeting on June 9, 2017.

Proposed Agenda

1.  Opening remarks and thank you to people who have contributed significantly to the club - Anna Kennedy

2.  Club manager's report - Nancy Louwman

3.  Treasurer's report - Doug Gordon

4.  Report on facilities and classes - Olly Smolak

5.  Questions from the floor

6.  Election of officers

Additional discussion items

- Still no place for the club to go.  Nancy will try to get Aurora residents to call councillors to tell them we need help finding a place.  Perhaps contact Aurora Banner about our predicament.

- Olly informed us that a report is going to council on June 20th and this may contain a temporary solution for the bridge club.  Will know more next Thursday. 

- Anna and Nancy will check out a possible club site on Edward St., and will contact Frank Stronach to see if he has anything to offer. Increase in table fees was discussed if the rent at a new place is higher.

- If we rent a place for the club, we may want to have bankruptcy insurance and/or other types of insurance.   The need for insurance should be investigated.  Lynn Schmidt will check that out with her husband who is a lawyer.

- John Jarman raised the question of charitable donations by the club, especially to the Cancer Society.  In the future we might hold a dinner and bridge charity event.

- Perhaps we need a social committee.

- Doug Gordon will bring the most recent monthly club financial spreadsheet to the AGM.

- John Jarman intends to run for Vice President but will be away for the AGM.

- Nancy thanked Anna for all her work trying to find a new place for the club.

Adjournment - 5 p.m.

Minutes of Aurora Bridge Club Executive Meeting Friday, April 28, 2017

Minutes of Aurora Bridge Club

Executive Meeting

Friday, April 28, 2017 


Anna Kennedy, John Jarman, Doug Gordon, Lynn Gowan, Nancy Louwman, Olly Smolak, Lynn Schmidt, Carol Gordon, Gayle Connor (substitute secretary)


Mark Garel (work commitments)

Anna Kennedy called the meeting to order just after 4 pm.

1.  The minutes from the October meeting were adopted, as moved by Carol Gordon.

2.  Date for the Annual General Meeting was agreed upon - AGM to be held on Friday, June 9, 2017 at 11 am.

3.  Club Manager's Report - Nancy Louwman gave the following report.

  -Sunday games are continuing into May
  -revenue is up from last year
  -special games coming up in October
  -2 STAC games per year - they are over for this year
  -Club Championship will be in May

4.  Treasurer's Report - Doug Gordon gave the following report

  - the club is in good shape
   -the club has 2 accounts - the operating account is stable and the investment account has not been touched.  These accounts will be left as is until the club's move has been decided.

5.  Membership

Lynn Gowan presented a new membership list to be used as memberships are paid in May.  Date the membership is paid should be listed and data checked as memberships are paid.  A dedicated person should be assigned to collect the membership fees.  Membership list will be kept updated by Lynn Gowan and Gayle Connor.

6.  Moving the Club

    -a list of possible places to which the club might move was presented and discussed.
    -no really feasible place has been found.
    -Olly had met with Al Downey, Head of Parks & Recreation, who will present a report about our move to council.  This report will try to have solutions for our move by the end of May.  An executive meeting may be needed at the end of May to discuss this report after it has been sent to council.
    -the town council does not yet have a plan for the building we occupy, so they will give us lots of notice about moving.  We may not need to move by the end of June.

7.  New Business - keeping the website up to date was discussed.

8. Next executive meeting will be held when there are new developments with regards to the move and the building

Anna Kennedy moved that the Meeting be adjourned at 5:00 pm. This was seconded by Gayle Connor. Motion carried.

Friday, October 28, 2016


OCTOBER 28, 2016


Present;  Lynn Schmidt, Jo Cummings, John Jarman, Olly Smolak, Nancy Louwman, Carol Gordon, Anna Kennedy, Lynn Gowan

Absent: Mark Garel

Anna Kennedy, President, called the meeting to order at 4:00pm

Minutes of the last meeting were read and motion to accept by Nancy Louwman and seconded by Jo Cummings.  Carried

Jo Cummings reported that the finances are still in the black. Motion to accept by Lynn Schmidt and seconded by John Jarman.  Carried

Nan McLean requested an opportunity to speak at this meeting.  Her concern is the inequity of the stratification of the open games. Some very good players are playing in the lowest stratification because they are not members of ACBL.  Should there be a way to determine their appropriate level?   Motion made by Nancy Louwman to address this issue at the next meeting.  Seconded by John Jarman.  Carried

Survey Results;

a) The survey indicated that a majority of players would like the Sunday Games to resume.  Executive decided to start with 2 Sundays a month until the end of March.  Nancy Louwman will set a calendar for these games.

b) Since our club is mainly seniors they had concerns regarding the air quality and wheelchair accessibility.  The town will not change any of these things, so as long as we stay in this facility these issues will remain status quo.

c) Some players commented on the condition and smell of the bathrooms.  J. Carpenter, our contact re the rental of the building has contacted the cleaners regarding this issue.  He recognized the issue and said he would see to improving the situation.

Nancy Louwman motioned to cancel all future Executive Dinners.       Seconded by Carol Gordon. All were in favour.

Motion made by Jo Cummings and seconded by John Jarman to give all executive members 6 free plays.  Motion passed.

Date for the Christmas Lunch and Game to be held on Sunday, Dec. 11, 2016.  Details will be posted at a later date.

Janet Hodges has agreed to do publicity for the Club.  She will contact the local newspaper and the food bank to see if representatives can come to our Dec. 11th fundraiser for the food bank.

Club Manager, Nancy Louwman will continue to run sanctioned games and will also have 1 NAP game, STACS twice a year, run 1 Jane Johnson game, continue the Erin Berry rookie/master game, ACBL wide Senior game and an ACBL instant match point game.

Motion by Nancy Louwman and seconded by Jo Cummings to have Medhat Fawzy as our Webmaster. Approved by all.  The Webmaster will not be a member of the Executive.

Lynn Gowan raised a safety concern about the chairs.  Anna Kennedy is going to research where to best buy some new chairs.

Lynn Gowan raised the question of the Swiss games.  Lynn moved that we have the “8 is enough Swiss game” scheduled for January, February and March.  Seconded by Olly Smolak.  Motion carried.  Club Manager will schedule dates.

Motion by Nancy Louwman to adjourn meeting at 5:10pm. Seconded  by Carol Gordon.  


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Minutes of Aurora Bridge Club Executive Meeting  

Tuesday ,  September 13, 2016

Time:   5:55 pm

Those present were:

Marg and Paul McFarlane, Jo Cummings, Anna Kennedy, Nancy Louwman, John Jarman, Mark Garel


1. Minutes of Executive Meeting,  June 8, 2016.

No errors found 

                Motion to Approve :  Marg McFarlane

                Seconded By: Jo Cummings


2. Treasurer’s Report – Jo Cummings

Still operating ‘in the black’

3. Coffee Jar

Sometimes it is empty at end of game.  Directors should bring this to players’ attention

4. Members Fees

Discussion to raise Annual Membership Fees from $10 to $20 in January 2017.  Prospect of eliminating the need for players to pay for coffee and tea. 

                Motion to raise fees by Paul McFarlane.

                Seconded by  Anna Kennedy


5.  Special Games

Rookie Master  set for  Oct 18.  Fee is $7 .

Oct 17  is Swiss Teams.  (Jane Johnson Event.  Extra MP’s)  Fee is $7. 

Increase from $5 to $7 to offset  US rate exchange

Motion by Paul McFarlane

                Seconded by Anna Kennedy.  Approved

6.  Manager’s Report

Read to all.

                 Motion to Approve by Marg McFarlane and Seconded by Jo Cummings.  Approved.

7.  Motion to add Lynn Gowan as a Member-at-large on the Executive

                Motion by Anna Kennedy  and Seconded by John Jarman.  Approved

8.  New Business
 Survey  by Anna Kennedy to be sent to all Members in 3rd week of September.  Request to fill out and return as soon as possible. 

Need to vote on Head Director to replace Paul McFarlane.  Discuss at next meeting?

 Andy Williams will be asked to become Webmaster .  Motion by Jo Cummings.  Seconded by Nancy Louwman.  Approved.


Meeting Adjourned at 6.59




Wednesday June 8, 2016
Minutes of Executive Meeting 2016
Wednesday June 8,2016
The meeting was held at Nancy Louwman”s  house and began at  4:35
Those present were: Paul and Marg MacFarlane, Jo Cummings, Olly Smolak, Anna Kennedy,
Mark Garel,  Marg Farmer , Nancy Louwman, Nan McLean and John Jarman.
Olly, Nan and Marg  were recognized for long time service with the club.
John Jarman has stepped in for Olly and is speaking with the town in regard to a new venue to play at because of the uncertainty of the status of our current building. He will report back to the group when he has more information.
Nancy has suggested we purchase 5 new remotes for Bridge Mates. This was seconded by Marg MacFarlane.  Nancy will purchase the remotes.
We are trying to introduce new games at the club such as a Monday night Swiss Game and a possible Thursday evening game.
Nancy Louwman-- Club Manager
Anna Kennedy—President
John Jarman—Vice President
Mark Garel—Secretary
Carol Gordon—Partnerships
Paul MacFarlane—Web Master
Meeting Adjourned at 5:30
Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2015

Marg MacFarlane opened the meeting at 11:00 a.m. on June 19, 2015,  by thanking everyone for attending the meeting,  pointing out that this is not a privately owned club, it’s a Members Club relying upon all our members to participate.  She then introduced the Executive.  Marg thanked Medhat for his services above and beyond the call of duty.  The other person Marg gave thanks to was Nancy Louwman, who stepped into the frey  without any prior knowledge of what the post of Club Manager entailed and she’s done a marvelous job for the Club. 


Nan McLean moved the adoption of the minutes of AGM 2014 as circulated on the web.  Seconded by : Eileen Watson.   CARRIED.


Our finances are doing just fine - we have a good contingency fund just in case we have EXTRA big expenses.  We’re still subsidizing our Stat game to the tune of (often $9.00 per table).  Our table count is up by 100 plus over the previous year.  Jo opened the floor to Questions.

          ●       What kind of long term investments do we have?  Jo referred this question to Olly who indicated that most of them went to bonds, the last one we purchased was a balanced fund containing income securities “so their all fairly - fairly safe”.

          ●       Is there any comparison to last years investment as to how much money we’ve made?  We put in some money from our bank account ($6500 or $7000) that had accrued then we added from our bank account funds to make a $10,000.00 investment, which is about 4% earned.

Olly Smolak reminded us of our position that we would need a lot of money when we had to leave our current premises and our balance would be needed in the future.    


Nancy Louwman thanked everyone for their co-operation during her transition into the post of Club Manager.  We have a wonderful group here who appreciate and help each other. 

Nancy requested that we sign-up for the Aren Barry Rookie/Master game to be held on Thursday Evening October 22nd 1015, standard american Yellow Card event.  Next year we’ll look at some additional R/M games.  Nancy presented Free Plays for our volunteers. 

          ●       Doug Farmer                         Garbage & Miscellaneous

          ●       Wally Browne                        Chair Repairs

          ●       Jean Bongard                        Friday Coffee

          ●       Dave Neil                               Pop Person

          ●       Eileen & Paul MacIsaac       Procurer of Coffee & supplies

          ●       Pat Lent                                  Assistant Partnership Person

          ●       Debbie Ingram                       Cookie Person

          ●       Don Jackson                         Friday Cashier

          ●       Jackie Simone                       Coffee Helper

Nancy ended her report with the statment “If you have any suggestions please just let me know, I’m there and I’ll listen”.


Olly Smolak informed us that the process is cyclic, based upon the municipal elections, and this is just after an election and it’s at least the third term.  “There is no discussion about this building right now, that will probably be reserected within the next 6 months or so”   Comments and Questions from the floor insued.

          ●       A statement about the United Church to be built having space for rent.  Discussion, Marg MacFarlane to contact Church representative to discuss the rental situation to be proposed by the United Church.

          ●       We are on a month to month basis and could leave after 1 month’s notice, however Council has guaranteed 6 months notice should they terminate our tenancy.

          ●       The question of safety opened a discussion, re the safety of our entrance.  The lock was discussed as to whether we should spend the $200.00 and install a new door opener.  Show of hands indicated that it was a go.  Marg & Nancy to pursue contacts to determine what our next step should be.

          ●       If there was a lawsuit would the Town or the Club be liable?  Discussion.

          ●       Should we look into obtaining a defibulator here?  Discussion.  To be investigated by Anna Kennedy and reported back to the Executive for resolution.


Marg MacFarlane turned the balance of the meeting over to Olly Smolak to handle the elections.  Olly stated that it is his responsibility as Past President to present the slate of Officers who have all agreed to stay on in their capacities as : 

                   President                                :         Marg MacFarlane

                   Vice President                       :         Anna Kennedy

                   Treasurer                               :         Jo Cummings

                   Secretary                               :         Nan McLean

Frank Hendriques moved the nominations be closed.  Seconded by : Mary Tang.  CARRIED.

Marg MacFarlane thanked Anna Kennedy and her group for the wonderful luncheon they prepared for us once again. 

Jacquie Simone moved the meeting be adjourned.  Seconded by : Carolyn Liddy.

Minutes of Executive Meeting 2014


Friday May 2, 2014


The meeting was held at ABC on Friday May 2, 2014, at 4:15 pm.

Those present were:-Olly Smolak Linda Lord Anna Kennedy

Jo Cummings Virginia Smereka Marg Farmer Paul MacFarlane

Marg MacFarlane Nan McLean Shirley Hulbig.


Jo Cummings spoke about the increases in our fees amounting to $3000.00. Table count is down over the past year by : approximately 90 tables. Jo to send a copy of her analysis to the executive members.



Linda Lord spoke about personal anniversaries coming up for Don & Lena Jackson, as well as Pat & Gary Morris. After discussion Linda moved that : We in some way acknowledge, whether it be free plays or a cake.

Seconded by : Marg MacFarlane. OPPOSED.



AGM date : Friday June 13, 2014 at 11:00 am. Anna Kennedy and her group to make the sandwiches. Marg Farmer to prepare the sign-up list to include the statement that “Lunch is only for people who attend the AGM”. Marg Farmer volunteered to make the Carrot Cake for the lunch.

No wine or beer, just coffee & tea.


Lengthy discussion about the sign-up sheet resulting in Jo Cummings moving that : We carry on the Common Game for another three months and then do another evaluation. Seconded by : Paul MacFarlane. Marg

MacFarlane suggested that we announce at the AGM about why we’re doing it and that we’ll do a new survey at the end of three months.

September 1, 2014. Olly Smolak to talk with the Common Game people about the advantages both the experienced players and non-experienced players can expect to get from using the Common Game. The result of Olly’s conversation shall be put on the web site. Vote taken and CARRIED. (Nan McLean voted against).


On the agenda at Olly’s request. Anna Kennedy indicated that the Wednesday night group wants to continue with the once a month Sunday Game. Further discussion regarding running a pre-lesson supervised game for the people right out of lessons, which Olly declined to run. Linda to look into what the costs would be to run that kind of a game.



Nan McLean moved that : we continue with the Executive dinner, with the proviso that only the dinner is paid for out of Club funds. Seconded by : Marg Farmer. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.


  • Anna raised the question of Free Plays for Volunteers. Discussion resulting in : the minutes to be posted on the web containing the list of who receives the Free Plays for the year.
  • Nan McLean reported that Bob MacNeil is not under control yet. Discussion ending with:  Bob being informed that the Club Policy is that his vapor tube is being treated as cigarettes and therefore not to be used within the building at any time.
  • Nan made one more request that the % ages be on the remotes and it doesn’t slow the game down. NO.
  • Jo Cummings spoke to the Free Plays for the volunteers suggesting that we give them all a 6 free play card regardless of what they volunteer, to be given out at the AGM or around that time.
  • Anna Kennedy requested a monthly update of new people and their e-mail addresses.
  • Anna requested that Pat Lent be placed on the Website as the substitute Partnership contact and take Jean Bongard off.
  • Jo Cummings put forward the suggestion that since our table count is down, and we aren’t making the money we usually make, that we discontinue our once a month Free Game when we have a StaC game in the month. Jo moved that we do away with the Free Game altogether. Seconded by : Linda Lord. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.
  • Marg Farmer wanted to know whether we want another Golf and Bridge Game? Yes. Marg to check with the Golf Course as to whether we can hold it sometime in June on a Monday. If not it will have to be on a Thursday. To be announced. ADJOURNMENT.


Jo Cummings moved the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by : Paul

MacFarlane. Time 5:16 pm


President ____________________ Date ______________


Secretary ____________________ Date ______________


OCTOBER 30, 2013

The meeting was held at ABC on October 30, 2013 at 4:15 pm

Those present were:-

Marg MacFarlane     Paul MacFarlane     Olly Smolak
Virginia Smereka     Marg Farmer     Anna Kennedy
Linda Lord         Shirley Hulbig     Jo Cummings
Nan McLean


No executive member received the last meeting’s minutes.


No further report. (The Executive receives a copy of the Treasurer’s Report
every month from Jo).


Linda Lord moved that : we remove the percentage & the traveler features
from the remote display. Seconded by : Jo Cummings. Discussion.
CARRIED. To be readressed in a month.

Discussion re furniture replacement of chairs, card tables and side tables.
We agreed that we’d wait for a sale of the side tables and then purchase
them without any further need for approval. We agreed to purchase 5 red
& 5 gray chairs. Linda to look further into purchasing at least 4 more good
quality tables.


December 8, 2013 at 11:00 am. Discussion, Anna Kennedy indicated that
the Wednesday night players would like to make the sandwiches again this
year for 90 people. She suggested that she be the purchasing agent for the
ingredients. Marg Farmer to place a sign-up sheet for goodies. Olly Smolak
to purchase the license and 24 beer & 6 liters of wine. Marg Farmer to
purchase 10 bottles of wine for door prizes. Players donate to the Food Bank and the game shall be non charity.


After discussion - Paul MacFarlane moved that : Fifteen Thousand be
transferred to the Investment Account at Edward Jones. Seconded by :
Marg Farmer. CARRIED.


Anna Kennedy addressed an issue that was bothering her regarding giving
out players personal phone numbers to people she doesn’t even know
herself. Discussion. Resolved.

The Wednesday night people would like to have name tags. Discussion.
Olly Smolack suggested that the Wednesday night group start the process,
and we can see whether we want to follow. AGREED.


Nan McLean indicated that she will have it done in two weeks.


Anna Kennedy indicated that the Wednesday night players would like to
have a pot luck dinner and game twice a year over and above their regular
Wednesday night game. Discussion. AGREED.


To be cleaned Saturday November 2, 2013. Discussion.


Discussion about free plays for volunteers. Marg Farmer moved that : We
give a free play to the volunteers on the day they volunteer. Discussion.
DEFEATED. Linda Lord moved that : She put together a plan on how to
reward our volunteers. Seconded by : Nan McLean. CARRIED.


The common game is a group of bridge clubs that use the same hand
records, there are no extra points. ACBL supplies hand analyses, however
players must be a member of ACBL to receive them. Discussion. AGREED
TO TRY IT. Starting Friday November 1, 2013.


Nan McLean indicated that it has been suggested to her that we could order
some of our refills for the bidding boxes as left handed cards. Tabled until
next meeting.


Paul MacFarlane moved adjournment at 5:09 pm.

President ________________ D a t e __________________

Secretary ________________ Date _N_o_v_e_m__b_e_r_ _2_,_ 2__0_1_