Auburn Duplicate Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
Know the ACBL Laws of Duplicate Bridge
Know the ACBL Laws of Duplicate Bridge

B. Extraneous Information from Partner

1. Any extraneous information from partner that might suggest a call or play is unauthorized. This includes remarks, questions, replies to questions, unexpected alerts or failures to alert, unmistakable hesitation, unwonted speed, special emphasis, tone, gesture, movement or mannerism.

  1. When a player considers that an opponent has made such information available and that damage could well result he may Call the Director or announce that he reserves the right to summon the Director later.

  Auburn Duplicate Bridge Club Constitution and Bylaws

and Bylaws

Ratified December 2018

name of this organization shall be the Auburn Duplicate Bridge Club. (Hereinafter referred to as the Club.)

purpose of the Club shall be to promote duplicate bridge in Auburn/Opelika and the surrounding area, and to encourage enjoyment of the game and fellowship among the members.

Club shall operate as sanctioned by and in accordance with the rules of the American Contract Bridge League (hereinafter referred to as ACBL). The ACBL designation for the Club is #267195, District 10, Unit 157.


Membership is open to the public and memberships shall be renewed annually in January. Membership may be revoked on the recommendation of the Board and by approval of a 2⁄3 vote of a Club membership quorum. Only members will be eligible to vote on proposals brought to the Club by the Executive Board (hereinafter referred to as the Board).


  1. The affairs of the Club shall be conducted by the Board in accordance with these Articles and bylaws. The Board shall consist of the President, First Vice President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President shall chair this committee and will present major decisions of the Board to the Club membership for approval.
  1. Officers must be members in good standing with the ACBL and those elected shall take office immediately. Normally, officers shall serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office. The Club President, the Second Vice-Presidentand the Secretary will be elected in even - numbered years while the First Vice-President and the Treasurer will be electedin odd-numbered years. The President will appoint a committee of three Club members to nominate potential officers for election. Elections will be held at the annual meeting with nominations from the floor being accepted provided that the person nominated has given their prior approval. In the event the office of President is vacated, the First Vice Presidentshall assume the duties of President. In such cases the Board may appoint a qualified Club member to execute the duties of the First Vice President until the next election. In the event that any other elective office becomes vacant, the Board shall appoint a Club member to serve the unexpired term.
  2. The Board will meet at least quarterly and more often at the discretion of the President. Quarterly Board meetings will be publicized and members will be encouraged to attend and participate in discussions. The Club Manager is not eligible to hold office on the Board but may attend board meetings in a non-voting capacity.

D. A quorum at general meetings shall consist of 25% of current members. Members may vote by written proxy. A quorum at Board meetings shall consist of three voting members. A general membership meeting will be held at least once a year, generally in December.


  1. The PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings of the membership and the Board; represent the Club at ceremonies and business transactions; and with the approval of the Board, appoint the Club Manager and committee chairs.
  1. The FIRST VICE PRESIDENT shall assist the President perform the duties of President as needed, and in the absence ofthe President, assume the duties of the President. The First Vice-President shall resolve conflicts in the directors’ schedules. The First Vice-President shall ensure that the directors meet at least once each calendar year to discuss ACBL rule changes and other items of importance to the Club. The First Vice-President shall also serve as the Event Coordinator serving on the hospitality, sunshine committee.
  2. The SECOND VICE PRESIDENT shall work on membership to increase the number of players at games, help arrange partnerships for players who wish to play in a Club game, encourage a novice program to encourage new players to play duplicate bridge, and publicize bridge tournaments.
  3. The SECRETARY shall record the minutes of all Board and general meetings, prepare correspondence, maintain membership rolls, preserve copies of these Articles and By-Laws, certify adopted changes thereto, and preserve the general records of the Club. The secretary shall distribute the minutes to all members within ten days of any quarterly meeting.
  4. The TREASURER shall serve as custodian of all funds and properties accruing to the Club, make payments to the directors as designated by the Board, make payments for all authorized expenses, give an accounting of the finances of the Club at each Board meeting, and present a written report, in a format prescribed by the Board, to all Club members at the annual December meeting. The Treasurer’s records shall be audited annually, before December, by a committee appointed by the President. The Treasurer shall provide the committee with copies of all financial records no later than October15th of each year. The auditor’s report will be part of the minutes of the general membership meeting held in December.
  5. Officers of the Club shall serve without pay, and no funds shall accrue to the benefit of any member except to defray expenses incurred in the transaction of Club business.



  1. Renew annual ACBL Club sanctions.
  2. Order all supplies to run Club games.
  3. Maintain paperwork from players as required by the City of Auburn Recreation Department.

The Club Manager will present all receipts to the Treasurer and must obtain the prior approval of the Board for expenses above normal monthly costs. The Club Manager will have access to the Club bank account by maintaining a signature card at the respective banking institution and a debit card. The Club Manager will be compensated for his/her work from the Club Treasury in an amount recommended by the Board and approved by the membership.

Club Directors are appointed by the Board.

Duties include but are not limited to:

  1. Be certified by ACBL.
  2. Start the game at the designated time.
  3. Keep a timer so the game will proceed in a timely fashion. Require late plays when needed.
  4. Stay after the game to post the results and make certain that all equipment is stored properly.
  5. Maintain order and reasonable quietness during game play.
  6. Answer rule questions during play when called upon—having the book of laws as documentation.
  7. Be paid according to the pay scale adopted by the Board (including free-play on the day directing).
  8. Remind players to turn off cell phones and assess penalties for repeated infractions.
  9. Meet yearly with other Club directors and the First-Vice President to review ACBL rules.
  10. Post session results on the ACBL site in a timely and accurate manner.

chairs may be appointed by the President as needed.


  1. Total Revision
    1. Requires a petition signed by at least 2⁄3 of the members.
    2. Requires a 2⁄3 vote of those present at special general membership meetings called by the President. This meeting must be held within two months of the President receiving the petition. The proposed new Constitution shall be made available, in writing, to the membership at least one week prior to the vote.
  2. Article or Line Revision only
    1. Adding or replacing a line or Article must be presented to the President and Board two weeks prior to the vote.
    2. A simple majority of those present at the designated membership meeting will approve or disapprove all change(s).



  1. Requires a petition signed by 1/3 of the members and presented to the President (First Vice-President if the President is impeached) with the reason(s) for impeachment. The President (or First-Vice President if needed) shall schedule a vote to be held at a membership meeting to be held no later than two weeks following the receipt of the petition.
  1. By 2⁄3 vote of a Club quorum, any officer may be removed their position on the Board. The office shall be filled by presidential appointment with the approval of the Board. If the President is impeached and removed, the First VicePresident shall assume that post and will appoint a new First Vice President with the approval of the Board.


Any items not covered in this document shall subscribe to the Constitution and Rules of ACBL. The Board with the approval of the Club membership shall regulate play and Club procedures but may not contradict laws, ordinances, or regulations of theACBL or the City of Auburn’s Frank Brown Recreation Center.

In event of disbandment of the Club, all remaining properties shall be sold and/or donated to nonprofit organizations, and all moneys remaining in Club accounts shall be forwarded to the Charity Fund of the ACBL.


  1. Games are scheduled every Monday and Thursday at 12:30 p.m. and on Tuesday evening at 5:30 p.m. in the Frank Brown Recreation Center, and other such times and locations as established by the Board and approved by the membership and by ACBL. Players should arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the game. If the building is closed, the game may be cancelled or moved to another venue. If a director cannot be present, the sanctioned game will be cancelled.
  2. At least one member of every partnership must keep a scorecard for every game.
  3. Members are expected to pay their game fee prior to the beginning of the game. Non-members may play but must pay anadditional fee recommended by the Board. Guests may play free the first time they visit the Club. The Treasurer will keep a list of all active members.
  4. The Club requires at least 2 ½ tables for a game to be considered sanctioned. In the event that there are not at least 2 ½ tables, no fees will be collected. Those in attendance may elect to have a non-sanctioned game.
  5. Directors will be paid an amount approved by the membership.
  6. The Club Manager will pay to play.
  7. The Club will abide by the ACBL policy of Zero Tolerance regarding behavior during play. See a full description at