Auburn Duplicate Bridge Club ZERO Tolerance Policy
The purpose of the Zero Tolerance Policy is to create a pleasant atmosphere and safe environment at the club. ADBC expects good manners from all players. Violations can occur before, during or after a game. While our parent organization, American Contracts Bridge League (ACBL) recommends that (A.) No violation deserves a warning and that directors award a scoring penalty for a violation, and, that (B.) A second violation in the same game be met with an ejection, the ADBC board of officers have adopted a more complete policy.
I. Zero Tolerance violations fall into two categories:
(1) The most serious violations are those that disrupt the game. These violations are subject to an immediate scoring penalty and a warning. Repeated disruptions by a player are subject to suspension from the club. Examples of the first category include:
- Objecting to the call for the director.
- Arguing with the Director.
- Badgering, rudeness, insinuations, name calling or intimidation of others.
- Arguing with other players during, before or after a game.
- Behavior designed to gain an unfair advantage over other players.
(2) The procedural violations are subject to a warning and/or a scoring penalty if the director deems it suitable. Examples of the second category include:
- Slow play.
- Constant and gratuitous lessons and analysis at the table.
- Gloating over good results.
- Excessive talking or loudness that interferes with concentration.
- Negative comments concerning partner’s or opponent’s play or bidding.
- Discussing the results of boards.
- Leaving used tissues at the table.
- Fouling boards to be played.
II. Fragrance and Hygiene
Certain behaviors pose a risk to the health, safety and well-being of other players. These violations are assessed accordingly by the Board of Directors. Failure to correct such behaviors may result in termination of membership. These behaviors include but are not limited to unacceptable hygiene. Persons who cannot adhere to basic standards of personal hygiene necessary for a safe environment for club members may be banned from participation.
Since some people have extreme sensitivity to fragrances (colognes, perfumes, scented lotions) and duplicate bridge requires players to be in close proximity to others, individuals with great sensitivity cannot avoid those who wear them. The issue is more than a dislike for a fragrance -it is a health issue. In accordance with ACBL, the ADBC asks all participants to refrain from wearing cologne, perfume or scented lotion.
III. Enforcement: ADBC has three levels of enforcement:
- The Game Director:
During the game, the director is responsible for maintaining order in the club. The director is empowered to penalize a player by adjusting a score or by ejecting a player from the game if the director sees fit to do so. If any player believes a Zero Tolerance Violation has occurred, that player should call the game Director immediately and explain the perceived violation. The Director will decide how to deal with the incident.
A violation may be reported to the Director after the final round of play. In that event, the Director still has authority to issue a warning or assess a score penalty.
The game Director is responsible to report the details of a violation to the Club president. The Club secretary will maintain records of the violations and report them to the Board.
- A Disciplinary Committee:
Repeat offenders of the club’s Zero Tolerance policy are subject to action by a Disciplinary Committee appointed by the Club President.
The Board’s guidelines to a Disciplinary Committee are:
- Second offense within a twelve (12) month period: Suspension from play for up to one month.
- Third offense within a twelve (12) month period: Suspension from play for up to three months.
- Third offense in a twelve (12) month period: Suspension from play for up to nine months.
- A pattern of disruptive behavior that continues into a second year may result in being permanently barred from play in the Club.
An appeal of a suspension by the disciplinary committee may be made in person to a meeting of the Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors:
The board of directors monitors the actions of the directors to ensure that each director performs their duties conforming to the Club’s norms of behavior, being neither too strict nor too lax in enforcement. The Board will serve as the final point of appeal for those players that believe they have been unfairly treated by the director or by the Disciplinary Committee.