B. Extraneous Information from Partner
1. Any extraneous information from partner that might suggest a call or play is unauthorized. This includes remarks, questions, replies to questions, unexpected alerts or failures to alert, unmistakable hesitation, unwonted speed, special emphasis, tone, gesture, movement or mannerism.
When a player considers that an opponent has made such information available and that damage could well result he may Call the Director or announce that he reserves the right to summon the Director later.
Unsure if or how to Call the Director? Watch this short video for a quick tutorial. Do not hesitate to call the Director, even for a clarification. Your opponents won't mind and everyone will be better informed!
Click here to go to the video!
♣The Ace of Clubs race recognizes players at each masterpoint category who earn the most master points at scantioned Club games.♣
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