Ashley Green Bridge Club
Enjoy Your Bridge
Release 2.19r
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Pages viewed in 2025

Any comments on the website please let Steve know

Bridge Schedule

AGBC facilitates Duplicate Bridge on the following days/venues: -

  • Tuesday evenings (19:05 for a 19:15 start) - online using the RealBridge platform 
  • Thursday evenings (19:05 for a 19:15 start) - online using the RealBridge platform
  • Thursday evenings (19:05 for a 19:15 start) - face-to-face at the Memorial Hall utilising pre-dealt hands (supplied by the EBU) and the ArcScorer scoring system

Each Duplicate session (face-to-face or online) costs £2 per person/per event. 
All are welcome to play in these events providing there is sufficient funds in the Player’s online account. Refer to the Payment Policy for how to pay/top up your online account.

New On-line Players
To play RealBridge 
you will need an AGBC Club ID; please contact Steve (

The Club

AGBC is a Duplicate Bridge Club based at the Memorial Hall in Ashley Green, Buckinghamshire and has 130+ members, plus another 200+ players registered to play at AGBC facilitated events.

We take pride in being a friendly-first club with our Bridge played in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere; our ethos is that the first rule of Bridge is to enjoy it and the second rule is to ensure everyone at your table enjoys the game too! We welcome Bridge players who value Bridge as an enjoyable and sociable game - be it online or face-to-face. Friends and guests are more than welcome to join any of the advertised events.

AGBC facilitate on-line events each Tuesday and Thursday evening from 19:15 to 21:30 pm.

Additionally we play face-to-face at the Ashley Green Memorial Hall each Thursday evening from 19:15 to around 22:00’ish. There is ample parking at the Memorial Hall, with good access for all. We can accommodate 20 tables. Please arrive and be seated by 19:05 pm to give the Scorer time to complete the setup of the ArcScorer scoring system and distribute the pre-dealt hands. ArcScorer allows for the electronic capture of the individual board scores, the hands played and provides an instant display of the event's end result on each tablet.

If you know you are coming but are struggling time wise, but will be there to start at 19:15 pm, just call the Club on 07856 367236.



Partner Required?

How to find a partner for forthcoming events please click here

Alerts and Announcements

EBU announced the following (updated 29 July 2024 – effective 1 August 2024)


  • only apply on the first round of bidding i.e. the first (non-Pass) bid and the next three calls
  • apply equally over intervention and to advancer’s bids i.e. partner of over-caller
  • never apply to overcalls
  • do apply above 3NT
  • always extend with fuller description where appropriate

Please be tolerant if opponents alert when they should announce or announce when they shouldn’t!

Click here to visit the EBU site for the full/original PDF