2007. Ron Barker was elected chairman and Dean Benton was elected Treasurer. The team was relegated to Division 3.
The surplus for the year was £15 leaving a balance of £5910. Table money was raised to £1.50, but the annual subscriptions were reduced from £6 to £5.
2008. Shirley White was elected Secretary. Membership stood at 68. The surplus for the year was £400 leaving a balance of £6311.
There was great concern about poor attendances on Monday evenings. A host system was introduced on Monday evenings so that members could turn up without partners.
The club launched its own website so that results and other news could be displayed. It was thought that this would also be a means of potential new members finding out about the club.
2009. The EBU introduced a pay-to-play system whereby players in member clubs would pay 37 pence each time they played. After much discussion at the AGM the club decided to disaffiliate from the EBU.
In order to maintain a league team, the Club proposed to pay EBU subscriptions for team players (however, owing to the timings of subscriptions and the decision taken in the following year no EBU subscriptions needed to be paid). The club entered a second team in the Leicestershire Leagues for the first time in 17 years. Team captains were: A team - Malcolm Dawson and B team - Colin Dobson and Ann Potterton (joint captains).
Successful training courses were run by Pat Dunham, Joan Benton and Andy Brown. These courses helped to increase membership numbers. Membership now stood at 95. Monday attendances were very much improved. Full contract details on all boards were now shown on the website enabling members to analyse their results.
The annual dinner was held at Willesley Park Golf Club. The surplus for the year was £1047 leaving a balance of £7358.
2010. George Strang was elected as Chairman. The club reversed its decision of the previous AGM and decided to re-affiliate to the EBU from September. Whilst this would increase costs by 37p for each duplicate player/session it was agreed not to change table money. Affiliation meant that all club members were now EBU members and those playing in at least 12 sessions would receive English Bridge magazine. This decision eased the problem the team captains had of only being able to choose from members who were themselves members of the EBU.
A further series of training courses, organised by Pat Dunham, were run.
The annual dinner was again held at Willesley Park Golf Club. The annual surplus was £1343 leaving abalance of £8701. The team captains were: A team - Malcolm Dawson and B team - Colin Dobson.
2011. There was a major overhaul of the club constitution to bring it into line with the way that the club was functioning. The roles of the Competition Secretary and Club Captain were separated. The Competition Secretary would be an elected position. Team captains would be chosen by the committee and would have the right to attend committee meetings. After it was agreed the revised constitution was published on the club website.
A third series of training courses, organised by Pat Dunham, were run.
Robert Missenden was chosen as captain of the A team. A revamped website, hosted by Bridgewebs, was introduced.
A"remote host" system was introduced for Thursday evenings. Players seeking partners would phone Andrew Billson who would either arrange a partner or partner the player himself.