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1995.  Tom Perry was elected Chairman.   Wednesday afternoon classes playing rubber bridge were progressing well.


Table fees were increased to £1.50 for evenings (£1.75 for visitors) and £1.25 for afternoons.  The surplus for the year was £80 leaving a balance of £3616.  The team was in Division 4.


1996.  Tony Haywood was elected Treasurer.  The annual surplus was £1100 and the balance was £4720.


The team was again playing in Division 4, under the captaincy of J Hulland.  There was a proposal to buy bidding boxes to be used for matches.


1997.   MargeryHopkinson was elected Secretary. 


Teams were entered in both the Summer League and the Summer Knockout.  Bidding boxes were tried on club nights and it was decided that more boxes be bought.  The surplus for the year was £808 and the balance was £5307.


Rent increases meant that the overhead cost would rise to £3600.  An alternative venue of St Helens Cottage at a cost of £1600 per annum was investigated.  This would require setting up and putting away tables each night.  By year end, it was agreed to move to the Cottage and cupboards to be installed at a cost of £520.


1998.  David Hutton was elected Chairman and Claire Lewis was elected Secretary. 


The team won Division 4 and also the Summer Knockout.  The Club entertained a team from Pithiviers (Ashby's twin town in France) in the summer.  Our guests presented the Club with four embroidered table cloths which are still used by the teams in their home matches. 


The surplus for the year was £855 leaving a balance of £6160.  A reduction of table fee to £1.00 was proposed.  There were concerns about the poor overhead heating and lighting in the Cottage.


1999.  Robert Killip was elected Chairman. 


The club paid half towards improved fluorescent lighting.  There still remained concerns regarding the heating.  The annual surplus for the year was £1049 leaving a balance of £7209


An attempt to recruit more members resulted in a successful training class. 


2000.  Philip Price was elected Team Captain.  There was a concern that since the move to the Cottage attendances had dropped.


The balance increased to £7290.  It was agreed that Wednesday afternoon players would become club members for the first time.


2001.  Philip Price was elected Chairman, Les Unwin was elected Treasurer and Don James was elected Secretary. 


The club affiliated to the English Bridge Union and agreed to issue Master points for Monday evening sessions.  Membership stood at 54.  There was concern that about the poor turnout of two to two a half tables on some evenings.  The balance reduced to £6741 primarily as a result of spending £500 on new tables.


2002.  There was a deficit for the year of £269 leaving a balance of £6471.  At the AGM it was agreed that only club members would be eligible to win club trophies and the Competitions Secretary and Team Captain were to be one and same.


The Wilde Cup (an LCBA competition) was won by Philip Price, Robert Killip, Don James and Geoff Haywood.


2003.  The deficit for the year was £140 leaving a balance of £6331.  The Wilde Cup was won by Philip Price, Robert Killip, Don James and Geoff Haywood for the second year running.


2004.  Bob Sneddon was elected Chairman and Robert Missenden was elected Treasurer.  The surplus for the year was £456 leaving a balance of £6788.


The Wilde Cup was again won by Philip Price, Robert Killip, Don James and Geoff Haywood.


2005.  Margaret Shadrack was elected Secretary.  The team was promoted to Division 2.


The annual dinner was held at The Beeches.  There was a deficit for the year of £980 leaving a balance of £5807.


2006. The annual dinner was again held at The Beeches. For the first time in many years the trophies that had been won in the previous twelve months were presented at the annual dinner.  The annual surplus was £86 leaving a balance of £5894.