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November 2011
November 2011



Since the last newsletter we have had three new members.  We now have over 110 members.  The majority of members have paid their subscriptions for 2011/12.  However, there are still a few outstanding and we remind you that these are now due.




The Criddle Cup was won by Don James and Geoff Haywood.  The remaining competitions for the year are as follows:


Children in Need Simultaneous Pairs                                      Thursday 17 November   

Christmas Bridge Drive (Gordon GrimleyTrophy, Pairs)       Monday 19 December

Christmas Cup (and party) - individual                                   Wednesday 21 December

Jubilee Bowl (Pairs)                                                                 Monday 23 January               

RBL Cup (Individual)                                                              Thursday 9 February

Captain's Cup (Handicapped, Pairs)                                        Thursday 8 March

Charlie Hall Trophy (Individual)                                             Monday 14 May

Cottage Shield (pairs)                                                              Wednesday (spring/summer)

Kidney Research Simultaneous Pairs                                      July


The draw for Knockout Plate is on the club noticeboard.


The leading scores in this season's Stanley Trophy to date are:


Pat Dunham                            20 points

Joan Benton                            18

Geoff Haywood                      15

Don James                              15

Andy Brown                           12

Shelagh Rumbelow                11

Margaret Shadrack                 10


The club acquired the RBL Cup second-hand about 25 years ago.  Derek Marshall managed a major repair of this cup recently so that we will be able to use it for a few more years.  Derek has also obtained two more trophies for us from the Royal British Legion.  On one of the trophies he has paid for new engraving.  We thank Derek for all of these contributions to the club.


These new trophies, which we have called the Christmas Cup and the Cottage Shield, will be played for on Wednesday afternoons (see dates above).  We have also re-discovered an old club trophy.  This is the trophy that was awarded to the runners-up in the Charlie Hall Trophy and this will be presented in respect of the 2012 competition.


Proceeds of the raffle that will be held at the Chistmas Bridge Drive will go to St Helens Church.  Members should bring either food or a raffle prize for this evening which is free for all members.  No partner is required.




The A team beat the B team in a pre-season friendly match.


The league results for the A team this season have been:

                        County B                    lost 9-3

                        Phoenix                       lost 11-1

                        Kegworth                    won 8-4

                        Blaby B                       drew 6-6


The A team is currently 5th in Division 2 of the Leicestershire Leagues.


The league results for the B team this season have been:

                        County E                     won 8-4

                        County F                     lost 7-5                       

Bradgate B                  lost 9-3

Glenfield C                 won 9-3


The B team is currently 4th in Division 4 of the Leicestershire Leagues.


County Matters


The LCBA has introduced a Pairs League this season with games being played once a month from October toFebruary.  Colin Dobson and Ann Potterton are currently in 3rd position in Division 4.


Dean Benton has been co-opted onto the executive committee of the LCBA (Leicestershire Contract Bridge Association) and we congratulate him on that.




Pat Dunham ran a very successful series of training sessions in September and October and I would like thank him for putting these together and presenting them.

Annual Dinner


The annual dinner and presentation evening at Willesley Park Golf Club was again extremely successful.  I would like to thank Claire Lewis for her work in organising this.


Reflections From The Table


Three issues of Reflections From The Table have been emailed to members since the last newsletter.  The subjects have been - Slow Play (the ways in which slow play can be avoided), A Game of Ifs and Buts (the impact of one bad play on your score at duplicate bridge) and Hesitation (the issue of hesitation potentially giving partner "unauthorised information").


Host System


We have introduced achange to our find-a-partner system for Thursdays.  Andrew Billson has offered to act as a 'Remote Host' for Thursday duplicate sessions.  Anyone wishing to play, but who has not got a partner, should phone Andrew on 07973725983 as soon as they know they need a partner (please do not email Andrew).  If a second person phones, Andrew will give them the first person's phone number - hence pairing people up just as would happen at the club on a Monday evening.

In the event that there are an odd number of single players, Andrew will turn up at the club to play with the last person to call, provided that call is made before 18:30 on the night of play. 

In any week that Andrew is not able to play, partners would be found but play could not be guaranteed.


Andrew's contact details are now on the club website in the "where and when" part of the information section.


Master Point Promotions


Since the last newsletter the following Master Point Promotions have been announced by the EBU:

            Toni Capewell             1 Star Premier Master

Derek Steeple              District Master

George Strang             District Master

Shelagh Rumbelow     Area Master

Ian Grudgings             Area Master

Claire Lewis               Club Master

Neil Roberts                Club Master   


Our congratulations go to all of the above.




We have been negotiating with the EBU regarding the possibility of director training being held in Ashby.  I am pleased to report that a series of director training will commence in April 2012 at Willesley Park Golf Club.


George Strang