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Release 2.19q
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Bank Account Details

Ashby Bridge Club bank account details are as follows:

Nat West Bank

Sort Code:       60-01-20

Account no: 47257156

Bridge Playing Accessories

If any members require bridge playing accessories ranging from tables to mugs then click on the EBU web site link below. This is accessible for all players, the prices are very reasonable and it helps the EBU finances

EBU Shop



The Bridgemate scoring system is used at all face to face duplicate sessions. Please remember your EBU number or your Player Identification Number


It was a special day on Wednesday 27th November when two of our members celebrated their ??th birthday. A glass of bubbly and some cake went down well and we wish  both Ann and Don many many more years of playing Bridge

Bidding Example
As North what do you bid next?

You should not bid 3NT. Bid 3H to show 3 card support. As South has only 4 hearts, he shows 3 spades by bidding 3S and North bids 4S.

See below for a discussion of declarer play.

Play Example

You lead a heart against 7S. Declarer wins and plays QS. Do you cover? If not declarer leads JS. How do you play?

If partner has a potential trick, Declarer may need a finesse, and possibly twice. If you cover any of declarer's big trumps, he has a second entry to the spade 9. Continue to duck until declarer plays the 6, and he has only 1 entry to table, and partner makes his KD for one down.