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Bank Account Details

Ashby Bridge Club bank account details are as follows:

Nat West Bank

Sort Code:       60-01-20

Account no: 47257156

Bridge Playing Accessories

If any members require bridge playing accessories ranging from tables to mugs then click on the EBU web site link below. This is accessible for all players, the prices are very reasonable and it helps the EBU finances

EBU Shop



The Bridgemate scoring system is used at all face to face duplicate sessions. Please remember your EBU number or your Player Identification Number




1 - Name


The club shall be called ASHBY BRIDGE CLUB.


2 - Object


The sole object of the club shall be to provide facilities for playing and fostering contract bridge, and kindred activities associated with the game, including participation in Local, County, Regional or National Competitions.


3 - Membership


Application for membership must be proposed by an existing member to the committee, who will not refuse such application without good and sufficient cause.  The committee shall have the right to suspend or terminate membership for any reason it considers appropriate.


The committee shall be empowered to award Honorary Life Membership to any member that it deems fit.


4 -Subscriptions and Table Fees


a - Annual subscriptions shall be due by 1st August at the amount determined by the preceding AGM.  Membership shall lapse if subscriptions remain unpaid by 30th September.

b - Members elected after 1st February shall be required to pay a subscription of 50% of the annual rate.

c - Table fees shall be determined by the committee.

d - Table fees for non-members shall be in excess of normal table fees, as determined by the committee.


5 - Management


a - The management of the club shall be vested in the committee elected at the AGM for a one year term, which will comprise the Officers of:

Chairman, Vice-chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and additionally a Competition Secretary and three members of the club.  The Committee shall appoint Team Captains who shall be invited to attend Committee Meetings.

b - Committee members, after serving their elected term, shall have the right to offer themselves for re-election without further nomination at the following AGM, except that the Chairman will not be eligible for re-election to that office for a fourth consecutive term.

c - In the event of a vacancy arising, the committee shall be empowered to co-opt any member of their choosing to fill such vacancy until the next AGM.

d - The committee shall be empowered to co-opt any member of their choosing for special duties.

e - The committee shall be empowered to establish any sub-committees it may deem necessary, having defined their terms of reference.

f - Committee meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Chairman and/or Secretary, who shall provide no less than 7 days' notice to all entitled to attend, together with an agenda specifying the matters to be considered.

g - A committee member may instigate a meeting of the committee by written application to the Chairman or Secretary stating the reason for the application.  The meeting shall then be held within 14 days of receipt of the application, no less than 7 days' notice being provided to all committee members.

h - In an emergency, the chairman shall have the discretion to summon a meeting at shorter notice than otherwise prescribed here-in.

i - Any four members of the committee shall constitute a quorum.


6 - General Meetings


a - The Annual General Meeting shall be held each July, at which the business to be transacted will be

i) Apologies for absence

ii) Approval of minutes of the previous meeting

iii) Matters arising

iv) Chairman's report

v) Treasurer's report

vi) Election of Officers

vii) Election of Committee

viii) Motions

ix) Subscription fees

At the Chairman's discretion, time may be allowed for discussion of other matters of general interest to those members present.

b - Notice of the date of the AGM shall be served on members no less than 21 days before the date of the meeting.

c - Nominations for Officers and committee members, proposed and seconded, must be submitted to the Secretary at least 14 days in advance of the AGM, with the consent of the nominee.

d - Motions to be put to the AGM, proposed and seconded, must be submitted to the Secretary at least 14 days in advance of the AGM.  In order to become a resolution, any motion representing a constitutional change must receive the support of at least two thirds of the votes cast, or otherwise a simple majority of votes cast.

e - Members shall be notified by the Secretary of the Agenda for the AGM no less than 7 days in advance of the meeting.

f - Election of Officers and committee members shall be by simple majority of a show of hands unless a ballot is requested.

g - No nominations will be accepted from the floor of the meeting unless insufficient nominations have been received for the vacancies.

h - Extra-ordinary General Meetings may be called at the instigation of the committee, or by written application to the Secretary, supported by at least three members. Members will be notified of the reasons for/purpose of such meetings in accordance with the requirements specified for the AGM.


7 -Competitions


The Competition Secretary shall be responsible for organising club competitions, for which only club members shall be eligible for the award of prizes.


8 - Accounts


The Treasurer's report to the AGM shall include the accounts for the financial year to the 30th June.


July 2011