Club Property |
Club property: prior written permission from the Secretary is required in order to borrow Club property. Insurance is a serious issue here so each request will be dealt with on its own merit.
Members should also notify the Committee if they are aware of this rule being broken.
Club Draws: The Committee discussed and agreed (13/01/2020) that all draws in Ashbourne Bridge Club will be “open draws” and that the results will be handicapped. The Committee also agreed that if Novice Players preferred not to take part in the draw they could play with their regular partner but they would not be eligible to win 1st prize in the competition.
Visitors on Club Nights |
Members are reminded that they are allowed two visitors per year on Club Nights. Visitors can play on four nights per year on Club Nights. This excludes Summer Bridge from May to August which is open to visitors.
Points notified for the AGM |
Members must notify any points they intend to raise at an AGM in advance to the Committee. This allows the Committee to be prepared for the AGM to save time. It also ensures that those Members who have the courtesy to notify their points are actually allowed time to raise them. The meeting should not exceed half an hour.
Sitting position requests |
Members may request to stay seated during play for health reasons. Please remember to advise the TD on the night.
Canvassing in the Club Room |
Members are reminded that neither raffle selling nor canvassing are permitted in the Club by Members. Members wishing to bring attention to raffle tickets may put a notice onto the notice board or approach Members outside the Club Room. Members who are new and not familiar with Club policies are advised to approach a Member of the Committee for clarification.
Christmas Party - non-members |
Members are reminded of the policy, decided at a Committee Meeting, that husbands and wives (or partners) of Members are welcome to join the Christmas Party each December. The cost will be the full price of the meal & drink (unsubsidised by the Club).
Novices Rule |
Novices do not play North/South in their first year (twelve months from first attendance) in the Club.
It has been agreed that Novices have enough pressure on them, playing in a Club environment and learning Bridge. Therefore, when sitting with first year Novices, the experienced Players will take the North/South position. The Club Rule, whereby cards are cut for table position, does not apply to first year Novices. The Committee would like to thank Members for their support on this rule.