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Bridgemate Scoring System

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Table Cards

For evenings where there are six or more tables we usually use a Mitchell movement. In a Mitchell movement N/S pairs remain, E/W pairs move up and the boards move down. With an odd number of tables no board sharing or relay is needed, but with an even number there needs to be a relay and shared boards. The relay is always halfway and shared boards are between the first and last tables. When there is a half table it is always the highest numbered N/S pair which is missing. The links below will take you to a printable page showing the table cards for that movement.


5½ table Mitchell movement   6 table Mitchell movement   6½ table Mitchell movement

7 table Mitchell movement   7½ table Mitchell movement   8 table Mitchell movement


For less than six tables, a Mitchell movement means that pairs will be playing the same opponents for a significant number of boards and, with a half table, players must sit out for those boards. In both cases a Howell movement is preferable, although it means there can be only one winning pair instead of both N/S and E/W winners. As the number of tables reduces the board rotations in the Howell movements become more complicated. The links below will take you to a printable page showing the table cards for that movement.