Release 2.19r
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Membership Application
Application for Membership of Arden Bridge Club
Candidates for Full Membership should attend as visitors on three or four sessions before submitting their application.
Candidates for Student Membership should be in full time education and be under 21 years old.

Candidates for Novice Membership attend the Arden School of Bridge.

These visits give the applicant the opportunity to assess whether or not the club is what they are looking for, and it affords the committee members a chance to meet the candidates before the application is considered. Decisions are made taking into consideration the candidate's ability at bridge and their conduct and manner at the bridge table.

Applicants wishing to apply should fill in the form below and send it by email using the 'Send' button at the bottom or bring a printed version to the club.

After completing it, to print the form use the button above the list on the left hand side.