Amersham Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
Teaching Bridge

EBED offer a 2 day teacher training course for players wanting to teach Bridge. A free place is available (every two years) to the Club.

For more information please follow this link.

If you are interested please contact either Simon or Sue.


For all enquiries contact
Sue Brown
Tel: 07815 310552



For feedback or enquiries on the Club website contact

Don Collier

Bank Details
Amersham Bridge Club Membership 2023/24

Annual Membership

The Annual Membership subscription for 2023/24 is £10.

*   Payment by bank transfer is preferred using these details,

        Sort Code:  30-90-18

        Account Number:  00378207

        Reference:  Please clearly identify yourself in the "Reference" field

        This account is held by TSB as  Amersham Bridge Club.

        If you are paying from a bank other than TSB the account name may not be available.

Otherwise please pay Cath Topliff by,

*   Cash

*   Cheque payable to    Amersham Bridge Club