RISK Assessment for ASBC
This has been agreed with the Church committee.
Under government guidance - there is a general relaxation of the rules.
Health and safety guidance still applies - face masks are optional. Members must still use hand sanitiser on a regular basis and avoid meeting in large groups.
Doors and windows will be left open.
Any equipment provided by the Bridge Club will be cleaned thoroughly.
Coffee/tea supplied only from the machine in the bar.
Only fully vaccinated members and visitors may attend. (Anti-vaxers: Please stay away!)
Members or their guests must not attend:
if they have symptoms of Covid 19 and/or have to self-isolate.
LFT devices may continue to show positive after more than 10 days. PCR tests are still available for confimation.
These tests are no longer free to the majority but are availble at market prices.
- Revised rules for playing at the Club.
- Read about RISK ASSESSMENT above.
- At present table numbers vary from 11- 14.
- There is no promotion, relegation or prize money for the time-being.
- As numbers increase, this view will be revised.
- Please fill tables as you arrive to minimise re-seating.
- Either bring your own bidding boxes or collect them and keep them with you all night.
- Table money is £3.00 (£4.00 for visitors) - put in bags on the tables - ensure little loose change.
- With reduced numbers - At the end of the evening please assist with tables, chairs etc.
- Using a 'common-sense' approach will assist in keeping us all safe..