All Saints' Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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Pages viewed in 2025
General Health


Feeling unwell - have a cold\Flu?

Please be considerate to all members and stay away until recovered !! 


Use Lateral Flow Tests in case it is more than a cold !!


12 table Mitchell
Scorer: Don Culver
Sect 2
Scorer: Andrew Fairey
General Information

For those of you who are wondering why we sometimes have the sit-out in the "top" section, it is because we try to manage the movements so that the pair sitting out only have to wait while three hands are played, and not four or more.
Do you want to join?

If you would like to join, you will find an application form in the blue folder on the table. Please fill one in and hand to the club secretary, Iris Cooper. If viewing on line please call Iris.

As a visitor please sign the visitors' book each week.