Allingham Bridge Club
Release 2.19q


Please be seated by 7.15pm to give Director/Scorer time to set up the evening's play for a prompt 7.30pm start.

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The name of the Club is 'Allingham Bridge Club'.  The Club was formed on 1 April 1992.

The object of "The Club" is to provide facilities for its members to play Bridge in accordance with the rules and principles laid down by the English Bridge Union and the doing of all such things as are incidental to the attainment of this object.

  General Rules

The business of the Club will be managed by the Committee in accordance with the Club Constitution and Rules.  The Committee will also, at its discretion, deal with any matter arising in connection with the Club which is not provided for in these rules.
The Committee for the first year shall consist of members of the Steering Committee.  Thereafter, the Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.  Any member of the Committee may stand for re-election.
The Officers of the Club shall be:
Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Club Captain, Asst Treasurer, Play Director
Such other officers as the Committee consider to be necessary for the efficient running of the Club may be appointed.
The Officers for the first year will be appointed by the Steering Committee.  Thereafter, all Officers will be nominated annually for election at the Annual General Meeting.
The Committee will make such rules as it thinks fit for the admission of new members to the Club.
The Entry and Annual subscriptions to the Club are to be fixed by the Committee, subject to confirmation at the Annual General Meeting each year.  The Committee will also fix table fees for each person playing in Club events.
The Committee may make such rules as it thinks as to whether and on what conditions members' guests and visitors may be admitted to Club events.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting is to be held at such time in each year and at such place as is decided by the Committee.  The business of the Annual General Meeting will be:

  1. To receive the Chairman's report on the activites of the past year.
  2. To receive the audited accounts of the Club.
  3. To elect Officers and members of the Committee of the Club.
  4. To consider any special resolutions duly proposed and seconded.
  5. With the permission of the Chairman, to transact any other business.

At least fourteen days before each Annual General Meetings, its agenda and a list of candidates who have been duly proposed and seconded to fill places on the Committee is to be brought to the notice of members.
The election of Officers and members of the Committee will be by a show of hands, unless there are more candidates than there are vacancies to be filled in which case the election will be by ballot.
Voting on any other matter will be by a show of hands unless the Chairman or any five members call for a ballot.
A quorum for a General Meeting will consist of 12 members present in person in addition to at least two members of the Committee.
Special Resolutions
Any members wishing to put a resolution before a General Meeting needs to give written notice to the Secretary at least twenty-eight days before the meeting.  Provided such resolution has been duly seconded by another member, it is to be set out in full in the agenda of the Meeting showing the names of the proposer and seconder.
A resolution to amend the Constitution and Rules of the Club will be passed if carried by a two-thirds majority of the votes of members present.  Any other resolution will be passed if carried by more than half of the votes of the members present.
Extraordinary General Meetings
An extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Committee at any time on receipt by the Secretary of a request signed by twenty members.  The agenda is to be brought to the notice of members at least fourteeen days before the meeting.
Committee Meetings
The Committee is to meet at least four times a year and on such other occasions as may be appropriate.
A quorum will consist of four members of the Committee.
If present, the Chairman of the Club will preside at all General Meetings and Committee Meetingsunless otherwise arranged.  If the Chairman cannot attend, the members present will appoint a chairman to preside at the meeting.
At any General Meeting, the decision of the chairman of the meeting will be final on questions of order, voting, adjournment of the meeting and interpretation of the Rules of the Club.
If the votes cast for and against any resolution are equal, the Chairman will have a casting vote.
The Committee is empowered to appoint from time to time sub-committees consisting of two or more persons, whether members of the Club or not, to organise special events or for any other purpose concerned with the Club.
Financial Year and Auditor
The Club financial year will end on the 31 December each year.
An Honorary Auditor will be appointed at the Annual General Meeting and an audited Balance Sheet and an account of the income and expenditure for the preceding financial year will be submitted at each Annual General Meeting.  The first Auditor is to be appointed by the Steering Committee.
Club Funds
All money belonging to the Club is to be paid in to accounts in the name of the Club at a Bank or Building Society to be nominated by the Committee,
All cheques drawn on Club accounts are to be signed and countersigned by such Officers as the Committee shall from time to time decide.
Changes of Address
Members are to notify the Secretary of any change in their address or telephone number.
Resignation of Members
If the conduct of any member of the Club, in the opinior of the Committee or any six members (who certify the same in writing to the Committee) is injurious to the interests of the Club, the Committee is empowered to recommend in writing that such member should resign.  If he or she does not resign within fourteen days of such recommendation, the Committee will then call an Extraordinary General Meeting and if a resolution to expel such a member is passed then he or she will cease to be a member and will forfeit all rights of membership of the Club.
Winding Up
If at an Extraordinary General Meeting a special resolution to wind up the affairs of the Club has been duly proposed and passed, so much of the assets of the Club are to be sold to discharge all liabilities and any remaining assets shall be made over to such charitable institutions or other associations as the Committee shall decide.
No such special resolution shall be passed unless carried by at least two-thirds of the members present.