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BBO Virtual Online Club
BBO Virtual Online Club

The following is a list of some members who are eligible to play in our online games and their BBO Usernames. There are others as well, but not all eligible BBO Users have given their permission to display their names.

The best thing to do is call your desired partner, whether or not they have a BBO Account, and arrange to play a game with them on some future Tuesday or Thursday night, and if either of you don't have a BBO Account call Don or Mark for help setting up a BBO Account and/or buying $BB:

Name BBO User Name
Pat Allan lairdalg
Peter Apostle apostle_p
Bill Boston wllmb
Mark Brown dinntime
Dave Chiasson djj19
Suzanne Chiasson svc19
Shirley Cooper SAC205
Ruth  Crispell Crisperu
Claudio Demarco c_demarco
Ray DeWitt rdewitt
George Duncan GeorgeDunc
Steve Furr rsfurr1942
Wendy Galey CardCaddy
Ruth Hopson django969
Kai Kang wild roses
Gunnar Kristiansen xski
Liz Kristiansen lpporter
Jerry Kroetsch J_Man_58
Doug Lawson JDL1959
John Marrack marrack
Ian McKay shakeytwo
Art Pezzutto Pezzutto
Bruce Richmond larich
John Robertson robjwr
Bernie Runde Sooboy
Brian Seccareccia ?
Dan Sharp Dano56
Linda Sheehan LCS51
Bob Sheehan cooper1119
Greg Simpson opto1974
Arlene Smith asqueak
Lyle Smith lylesoo
Don Walls azezel
Bruce Yendell byendell