Release 2.19q
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If you wish to play, and need a partner, please send a request by email to all members, or call Jan Chard at 01728 454705

The Club runs a Whatsapp where you can post an entry to find a partner. Contact Sue Cook to register your mobile number

This site is managed by Perry Hunt. If you have any comments or amendments, please contact him at 01728603463 or

or call Sue Cook at 01728603242  Email:

Please read the NEWS

Member Login
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Password :
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If you have already registered as a member to use pages of Aldeburgh Bridge Club then enter your Email or Name and Password and click .
If you use the same email as someone else at the club, then enter your Name as spelt in the results instead of Email.
If this is the first time that you have used the , click .
If you have forgotten your password, click .
If you would like to register to use the pages of Aldeburgh Bridge Club, click [Register].