Agile Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Agile Club Games Virtual Clubs/No. America/search: "Agile"

Face to Face Games

Mondays     10:00am - 12:30pm 199r Game and Easybridge II lecture at St. Andrews Church 301 Ave. D Redondo Beach in the Conference Room (across from the parking lot)

Tuesdays 10:00am - 1:00pm Open/199r at St. Cross Episcopal Church in Parrish Hall. Averaging 13 tables.

Wednesdays 12:30pm - 3:45pm Open/299r at Veterans Park 309 Esplanade Redondo Beach.  Averaging 9 tables.

Fridays     10:00am - 1:00pm Open/299r/99r Game at St. Andrews Church 301 Ave. D Redondo Beach.  Enter from PCH Averaging 23 tables.



Last updated : 8th Jun 2024 19:07 PDT