The Best Bridge Club in Town

Bridge Classes starting - February 2025 - Beginning Bridge & 2/1 (Two over One) Game Force

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A Missed Opportunity
Adobe Experts - Answer



Dear Expert,

My partner (N) opened 1nt (15-17).  

I was flummoxed. thought 2n would show a different shape that what I had, and we don't play anything that addresses 5/5, so I passed. 

She took all the tricks.

A missed opportunity!

Mary B

Expert #1

If we have an agreement that lets us show 5-5 in the minors, I would make that bid. I would then pass partner’s next call .

If we don’t, I would pass. The opponents are likely to bid 2 of a major. If they do, and it gets passed around to me, I bid 2NT. Partner should take this as being for the minors. If I had enough to invite in notrump I would have bid something at my first call.

Expert #2:

If we are playing 4-way suit transfers, I bid 2NT (transfer to D).

If partner bids 3 D ("I like Diamonds), I pass.

If partner bids 3C ("I don't like Diamonds), I pass.

If we don't play 4-way transfers, I pass 1NT.

Expert #3:

I transfer to D. I see playing game in D if partner likes D. If partner doesn't like and bids 3c I will pass. We may miss 3n on some layouts but opponents have a major suit fit. The optimal result may be them playing in a major doubled 

Expert #4:

I pass. This hand could easily yield 10 tricks at No Trump. Or, we could lose the first 7 or 8 tricks.

Would I like to be in a minor part score? Yes, but not sure how to get there.

Left Hand Opponent could well balance, and partner may then bid her 5 card major at her own risk, or make a takeout double.

This would bring my minor suits into play. I will not sit for a penalty double by partner.

One of my partners bids 1NT-2NT as showing both minors, making it difficult for opponents to bid their majors.




