The Best Bridge Club in Town

Bridge Classes starting - January 2025 - Declarer Skills for NLMs and Intermediate Players

Release 2.19r
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Bridge Dos and Don'ts
  Tables Manners   

Do greet your opponents at the table and treat them with respect and courtesy.

Do not indulge in post-mortems directly after a hand is finished. (Save it for after the game.)


Do remove cards from the board only when a director or your opponents are present.

Do not criticize your partner at the table. (Partner will play better and your score will benefit.)

  Do count your cards to ensure that you have exactly 13 cards before you look at the faces. Do not even consider criticizing opponents. (A well-meaning critique sounds like criticism.)  

Do say, “Director Please” in a pleasant tone. Keep your hand up so that the Director can quickly determine who called.

Do not gloat or sulk. (It is ugly!) ♣ 

The Auction


Do decide what to bid before reaching for or touching cards in the bidding box.

Don't touch a card in one part of the bidding box and then pull out a card, from another section.

  Do attempt to maintain a regular tempo.

Do not ask for information from your opponents unless it is your turn to bid.


Do ask questions but only if you're on lead or when your partner asks "Questions, Partner?" with their lead face down on the table.

Do not explain an ALERT - unless asked to by your RHO.  It may inadvertently communicate unauthorized information which may be subject to penalty.


The Play of the Hand


Do say “thank you” when partner puts the dummy on the table. (Even though you are thinking to yourself “where the heck is the hand my partner was bidding?)

Do not snap your cards down on the table.


Do ask before leading. After leading, then write the contract on your score sheet. This prevents irregularities and saves time. It allows other plays to review the auction and/or to ask for explanations of the auction.

Do not detach a card from the hand or finger alternative cards before you play. Never remove a card in anticipation of a play.


You DO have the right to inspect the cards that have been played on the current trick as long as your card remains face up. Once all cards have been turned over (face down), you may not ask to see the cards that were played on that trick.

Do not rearrange your hand during the play. It provides unauthorized information.


Do (North) when scoring present the BridgeMate to East West for their acceptance. Both pairs are responsible for accurate scoring.

Do not mix up your cards until the result is agreed upon with the opponents.


Do play in tempo. Sometimes it takes a good deal of time to think about a play, but consider the clock and what unauthorized information might be conveyed by undue hesitations.

Do not look at your opponent’s or partner’s cards after the hand has been played without their permission.


Dummy's Rights and Responsibilities


Do try to prevent any irregularity. But do not not draw attention to an irregularity once it has occurred. Only after the play of the hand is concluded may Dummy call attention to an irregularity (e.g. a revoke by a defender). Dummy is not obligated, however, to either prevent an irregularity during the play nor to call attention to one after the play of the hand.

Do not call Declarer’s attention to anything except 1) if s/he is about to lead from the wrong hand or 2) to ask if s/he is out of the suit being played. (You may attempt to prevent these irregularities by Declarer.) Otherwise, be silent during the play.

If declarer designates a suit but not rant, s/he is deemed to have called for the lowest card. If Declarer designates a rand but not a suit, s/he is deemed to be continuing the suit in which dummy won the last trick.
Do not touch or play any card until the Declarer calls for it - even if its the only card left in the current suit or the play 'seems' obvious.   

Do not initiate a call for the Director (unless another player has called attention to an irregularity.) When the Director comes, the Dummy may give information .