The Best Bridge Club in Town
Release 2.19r
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Library News

Using the Library

Our library system is an online library, Check it Out . You'll need an account to access and check out books but that is easy to do. If you need help please see the instructions or complete the information below.

Or, list the borrowed book in the three-ring binder found on top of the library shelf. We’ll set up an account for you, and you’ll be notified when the book is due.

Return books to the Library Returns box on the library shelf. 

Thank you! 


Wish List

Is there a book you would like to see in our Library? We are always looking for ways to augment the quality and diversity of the collection. We have funds to purchase books, thanks to the generosity of the Board. Please let us know by completing the information below or by listing the book on the sign-up sheet on the new white board

One book recommendation, Barbara Seagram’s The Magic of Defense, has been purchased and is on the Library shelf. Adobe player Judy Donovan says this about the book: “The Magic of Bridge teaches signaling and carding agreements, leads and discards, the rules of 40 and 11 and much more. A strength of the text explains the why behind adages such as "lead 4th from the top.