Latest and Upcoming |
- December 16 - 22 - STARDUST WEEK. Earn GOLD points at club games. Win 25% GOLD, 75% Black MPs. In all games of 18 or more boards you'll have a chance to earn GOLD at the club.
- Holiday Potluck - 'Tis the season to celebrate - pls join us on Tuesday, December 17th. Let us know what dish you're bringing by signing up on the white notice board at the Club.
- Here to answer your questions are
send your bridge questions to: - to see some questions and answers CLICK HERE.
- Friday December 27th - GNT Qualifier game. Sign up today. In case you were wondering the 8 is Enough Format will be back in January.
- ATTENTION NLM players We have TWO NEW limited game just for our Non Life Masters (NLMs). On Thursdays at 9 am a 499er game and on Fridays at 9:15 am a 299er Game. RESERVATIONS are appreciated, but not required. Partners guaranteed. Next Thursday 499 Game will be on December 19th at 9 am. Next Friday 299 game will be on Friday December 20th at 9:15 am. This week's games will award GOLD points!
- Adobe's Free Play Offers firstly for 299ers continues: If you are a player with 0-299 MPs, you can play in any afternoon Open Game for free (the offer is good till December 31).
- And, secondly if you are a 49er (0-49 MPs), you can play in the Thursday and Friday morning games for free!
- Library - Our library is online! Check It Out or go to the "Home Page" menu tab to access.
- Play & Learn games - Monday with Brad Leach. Tuesday P&L games are back with Barb Rosenthal.
- Adobe has transitioned to a cashless payment system. All morning games (Play & Learn and Mentor games) will have an table fee of $6. The afternoon games will have an table fee of $8 (NLMs will continue to pay a discounted fee of $6 till December 31, 2024). For purchasing tokens online, click here Tokens can be brought at the Club via cash or check. If you have questions or need clarifications, please contact Penny Storry.
As always reservations are recommended but not required.
2024 Adobe Board Election |
Dear Adobe Members,
Nominations are currently being taken for four open board positions. The board appointed a Nominating/Election Committee consisting of Julie Carnes, Nelda Linman and Kathy McAndrews. If you decide to run for the Adobe board please provide this committee with a picture and 100-word, or less, statement that will be posted on the Website and at the club at the end of October. Eligibility to run requires that you have played at the Club at least 20 times between November 1, 2023 through October 31, 2024.
Our Expectations:
Adobe has a strong active Board and the Club is in excellent financial shape. We hope you will consider joining the board or otherwise volunteering.
- Board Meeting Attendance: The board is required to meet bi-monthly but we usually meet each month, offering hybrid in-person and Zoom meetings. They generally last no more than one hour and are results oriented and solution-focused.
- Club Play: It is important that each board member maintain a regular presence at the club. Board membership requires playing a minimum of 20 times over a year. We believe board members who are at the club every week act as club ambassadors and have a greater awareness of what’s working and how we might improve. Eligibility to run requires playing 20 times from November of the prior year through the end of October 2024.
- Officers and/or Committee Chairs: Board members are expected to take part in running the club by investing their talents. As good stewards, we work together and volunteer on committees to support education programs, retain and grow membership, host special events/support club hospitality, maintain the facility, and responsibly manage our finances.
- Bylaws and Financials: It is important to read and understand our bylaws and our monthly financial reports.
- Adobe Board Requirements
Play and Learn |
Would you like to play bridge and at the same time enhance your bidding, playing and defending bridge skills?
Join our Play and Learn Games
Monday (499ers) and Tuesday (599ers) morning at 9:00 AM at the club (NLMs)
Learn More
or click "Play and Learn" in the side navigation column.
Contact Us |
Please send comments, requests and specific suggestions - as well as a request to start receiving Adobe emails.