Adam Wiseberg Bridge
Release 2.19r
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Sounthenders with payment links
Southenders Saturday Duplicate

PLEASE NOTE that this is a private tournament and is available only by invitation..

I currently have a problem with the credit card links.

Please make your payment directly to my bank

A/c Name : A H Wiseberg Sort Code : 20-20-46 A/c Number : 63122913 

£8 per couple

On Saturday night after you have paid then join the tournament by clicking HERE 

This will bring you to a login page 

Please enter your full name and ignore the ID number 

Then just click on LOGIN and 'sit' at a table by clicking on

Sit N or S or E or W 

It helps if you log on around the same time as your partner but it isn't essential

Please sit at a table from 7pm for the tournament

We will be starting at 7:30pm


If you haven't tried RealBridge before then please test your camera and microphone by clicking HERE 
